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Future-proof your Career with Our MTech Program and Stay Ahead of the Curve

The M.Tech program in Wireless Networks & Applications is designed to produce highly skilled academic and research professionals in the ever-evolving and essential wireless communication and networking field. The program covers a wide range of subjects, including the latest advancements in wireless communications, computer science, computer networks, mobile computing, sensor networks, embedded systems, internet-of-things, signal processing, multimedia systems, machine learning, big data analysis, and applications related to smart city technologies.

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Building on the success of the WINSOC joint project with international partners, this M-Tech program is aimed at strengthening academic and research initiatives in the field of wireless networks and applications. Students who complete this program will be well-equipped to enter a diverse array of industries, including but not limited to computer science, communication networks, the internet of things, earth and environmental sciences, disaster management, healthcare, e-governance, bio and nano-technologies, VLSI, embedded systems, agriculture, chemical industries, and strategic planning.

In addition, this program emphasizes the latest technology trends and tools, including 5G & IoT networks, SDN/NFV, edge computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, AR/VR, and cybersecurity. Graduates of this program will have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of wireless communication and networking. They will be well-positioned to make significant contributions to the field.

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

CurriculumYear-wise Curriculum & Syllabus

Semester 1
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
23WN601 FC Signal Processing for Wireless Communication 2 0 1 3
23MA602 FC Probability and Statistical Inference 2 0 1 3
23WN602 FC Advanced Computer Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN603 SC Principles of Wireless Communication Systems 3 0 1 4
23WN604 SC Embedded System Design 3 0 1 4
23WN681 FC Advanced Computer Programming 0 0 1 1
22AVP103 Mastery Over Mind 1 0 2 2
22ADM501 HU Glimpses of Indian Culture * 2 0 1 P/F
23HU601 HU Career Competency I* 0 0 3 P/F
Credits 20
*Non Credit Course
Semester 2
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
23WN611   Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2 0 1 3
23WN612   Internet of Things: Architecture and System Design 3 0 1 4
  E Elective I 2 0 1 3
  E Elective II 2 0 1 3
23WN613   Mobile Communication Networks 2 0 1 3
23RM702   Research Methodology 2 0 0 2
23HU611   Career Competency II 0 0 3 1
23WN682 P Live-in-Labs-I Participatory Design 0 0 0 0
    Credits 19
Semester 3
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
  E Elective III 2 0 1 3
23WN798 P Dissertation-Phase I   10
23WN781 P Live-in-Labs-II-Lab-to-Field: People Centred Innovation 0 0 0 1
    Credits 14
Semester 4
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
23WN799 P Dissertation – Phase II 16
Credits 16

Total Credits: 69

Foundation Core
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
23WN601 FC Signal Processing for Wireless Communication 2 0 1 3
23MA602 FC Probability and Statistical Inference 2 0 1 3
23WN602 FC Advanced Computer Networks 3 0 1 4
23WN681 FC Advanced Computer Programming 0 0 1 1
23WN611 FC Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2 0 1 3
Subject Core
Course Code  Type  Course  Cr 
21WN611 SC Principles of Wireless Communication Systems 3 0 1 4
21WN612 SC Embedded System Design 3 0 1 4
21WN613 SC Mobile Communication Networks 2 0 1 3
21RM622 SC Research Methodology 2 0 0 2
21WN614 SC Internet of Things: Architecture and System Design 3 0 1 4
Elective I
Course Code Type Course L T P Credit
23MA731 E Random Processes and Queueing Models 2 0 1 3
23MA732 E Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 0 1 3
23MA733 E Detection and Estimation Theory 2 0 1 3
23MA734 E Computational Optimization 2 0 1 3
23MA735 E Graph Theory and its Applications in Wireless Networks 2 0 1 3
Elective II
23WN731 E Applied Machine Learning 2 0 1 3
23WN732 E Open Source Networking 2 0 1 3
23WN733 E Distributed Network Algorithms 2 0 1 3
23WN734 E Introduction to Platform Technologies and APIs 2 0 1 3
23WN735 E Edge and Fog Computing 2 0 1 3
23WN736 E Network and Application Security 2 0 1 3
23WN737 E Adaptive Signal Processing 2 0 1 3
23WN738 E Emerging Wireless Communication Technologies 2 0 1 3
23WN739 E Big Data and Applications 2 0 1 3
Elective III
23WN741 E Advanced Signal Processing 2 0 1 3
23WN742 E Distributed Systems 2 0 1 3
23WN743 E Wireless Local Area Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN744 E Antenna Design and Applications 2 0 1 3
23WN745 E Open RAN Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN746 E Introduction to Block chain and Distributed Ledger Technology 2 0 1 3
23WN747 E Coding and Information Theory 2 0 1 3
23WN748 E Private Cellular Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN749 E Introduction to Deep Learning 2 0 1 3
Project Work
Course Code Type Course L T P Cr
23WN798 P Dissertation – Phase I       10
23WN799 P Dissertation – Phase II       16
23WN682 P Live-in-Labs – I       0
23WN781 P Live-in-Labs – II       1
Course Code Type Course L T P Cr
Specialization I: Wireless Communications
23WN741 E Advanced Signal Processing 2 0 1 3
23WN747 E Coding and Information Theory 2 0 1 3
23WN744 E Antenna Design and Applications 2 0 1 3
23WN748 E Private Cellular Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN738 E Emerging Wireless Communication Technologies 2 0 1 3
23WN737 E Adaptive Signal Processing 2 0 1 3
23MA732 E Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 0 1 3
23MA733 E Detection and Estimation Theory 2 0 1 3
23MA734 E Computational Optimization 2 0 1 3
Specialization II: Mobile Networks
23WN742 E Distributed Systems 2 0 1 3
23WN747 E Coding and Information Theory 2 0 1 3
23WN744 E Antenna Design and Applications 2 0 1 3
23WN733 E Distributed Network Algorithms 2 0 1 3
23WN736 E Network and Application Security 2 0 1 3
23WN745 E Open RAN Networks 2 0 1 3
23MA731 E Random Processes and Queueing Models 2 0 1 3
23MA734 E Computational Optimization 2 0 1 3
23MA735 E Graph Theory and its Applications in Wireless Networks 2 0 1 3
Specialization III: Wireless Systems and Application
23WN742 E Distributed Systems 2 0 1 3
23WN743 E Wireless Local Area Networks 2 0 1 3
23WN751 E Advanced Embedded Systems 2 0 1 3
23WN731 E Applied Machine Learning 2 0 1 3
23WN735 E Edge And Fog Computing 2 0 1 3
23WN732 E Open Source Networking 2 0 1 3
23WN733 E Distributed Network Algorithms 2 0 1 3
23WN750 E Advanced IoT Protocols 2 0 1 3
23WN746 E Introduction to Block chain and Distributed Ledger Technology 2 0 1 3
23WN739 E Big Data and Applications 2 0 1 3
23WN749 E Introduction to Deep Learning 2 0 1 3
23MA731 E Random Processes and Queueing Models 2 0 1 3
23MA734 E Computational Optimization 2 0 1 3
23MA735 E Graph Theory and its Applications in Wireless Networks 2 0 1 3


Duration: Two years

Eligibility Criteria
  • B.Tech. or B.E. in (Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Robotics Engineering, Software Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering)
  • B.Tech. in (Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology, Computer and Information Science, Electronics and Media Technology, Electronics and Nanotechnology, Electronics and Telecom Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics and Computing, Power Engineering, Power System Engineering, Power Electronics)
  • M.Sc. in (Applications of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computing, Computer Applications, Computer Communication, Computer Science, Computer Technology, Data Mining and Warehousing, Information and Communication Technology, Information Science, Information Security and Cyber Forensics, Information Technology, Information Technology and Management, Instrumentation Technology, Software Engineering, Software System, System Administration & Networking)
  • MCA

Fee Structure


  • The tuition fee of 53,000 per semester applies to the option where you take your time to complete the
    program over six semesters. This option is designed for working professionals.
  • Working Professionals will not be eligible for any scholarship.
Fee for Working Professionals
Head Fee Term
Tuition Fees 53000/- Per Semester
Caution Deposit (Refundable) 5000/- One Time
Total 58000/-

Program Overview

Learning Objectives

Students graduating from this M.Tech program will be able to demonstrate proficiency in diverse fields, including computer science, communication networks, earth sciences, environmental sciences, disaster management, healthcare, e-governance, VLSI, embedded systems, agriculture, chemical industries, and strategic planning. They can apply their knowledge to address complex problems in these areas and analyse, evaluate, and design effective, efficient, and sustainable systems and solutions.

See Also

Programme Outcomes

Program outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that students acquire in their matriculation through the program

  • PO1: Engineering Knowledge
  • PO2: Problem Analysis
  • PO3: Design/Development of Solutions
  • PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex problems
  • PO5: Modern tools usage
  • PO6: Engineer and Society
  • PO7: Environment and Sustainability
  • PO8: Ethics
  • PO9: Individual & Team work
  • PO10: Communication
  • PO11: Project management & Finance
  • PO12: Lifelong learning


  • Gain knowledge on Critical review of research papers & develop technical writing skills
  • Modern tools usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  • Capability to think Innovatively and creatively in solving real-life challenges
  • Communication efficacy: Communicate effectively with the research community, and with society at large.
  • Develop awareness on social challenges and involve actively in providing affordable, sustainable and environment-friendly solutions for rural communities.
  • Develop skill sets to work in multidisciplinary areas/projects and diverse groups, national and international mission projects.
  • Research development opportunities by collaborating with international experts and get exposure to state of the art technologies for ready absorption in core industries and research institution
Thrust Areas in Research
  • Mobile Communication and Networks
  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning
  • Wireless Communications
  • 5G and 6G Communication
  • Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
MTech Program Fee 2022 (Per Semester)

Terms and Conditions of Scholarship:

Students must pay the regular semester fees of Rs. 79,500/- at the time of admission.

Scholarship Rules

Facilities and Infrastructure

Wireless Multimedia Lab

Wireless Multimedia Lab

Amrita – Keysight Advanced Wireless Communications Lab

Amrita – Keysight Advanced Wireless Communications Lab

Remote Triggered Lab

Remote Triggered Lab

Embedded Systems Lab

Embedded Systems Lab

Smart Energy Systems Lab

Smart Energy Systems Lab

Landslide Lab

Landslide Lab

Hardware Lab

Hardware Lab

Geotechnical Lab

Geotechnical Lab

Networks Operations Center

Networks Operations Center

Program Coordinator

Dr. Rekha Manoj
Dr. Rekha Manoj

Admissions PG programs & MTech-Wireless Networks & Applications Program Coordinator


At Amrita, companies vie with each other to be the early birds for hiring,
thanks to the quality of students, past and present.


6.8 LPA


5.37 LPA


6.67 LPA


17.5 LPA

Alumni Testimonial

Tom Toby
(Intern at Nokia, 2020-22 Batch)

My journey with Amrita Wireless Networks and Applications has always been rewarding. I secured my internship due to the well composed multidisciplinary syllabus and a team of knowledgeable and supportive faculty who encouraged me to evolve into a professional.

Alumni Testimony

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

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Call : +91 9446011097


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