The Center for Wireless Networks and Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, signed a MoU with Italian prestigious research institutions, The National Research Council (CNR) IRPI. The National Research Council (CNR) is. . .
The Scorpion team from Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, received an opportunity to participate in the finals of World Robot Summit 2018 to be held in Tokyo in October this year.
Amrita School of Biotechnology celebrated its annual sports meet February 16-17, 2018.
Amrita School of Biotechnology faculty and students recently published a journal paper in the high impact Nature publishing group’s Scientific Reports.
The students of Amrita School of Pharmacy participated in Pharmolsavam 2018 organized by the Kerala State Self Financing Pharmacy College Management Association (KSSPCMA) from April 10-12, 2018, at Nirmala College of Pharmacy,. . .
The BTech students of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, have put up a stellar performance at 36-hour-long Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2018 by winning the top prize for developing innovative digital solutions for 340 problems posted by 28 Union Ministries and 18 State Governments held from March 30-31, 2018.
Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi announces the results of the Final BDS Degree Examination February/ March 2018.
Cinerama’18- the National level Short Film Festival at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru Campus, was held at the campus on April 11, 2018.
A neuro-surgical procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) offers patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease a new ray of hope, enabling them to lead a near-normal life, neurology specialists at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences said on the eve of World Parkinson’s Day on April 11, 2018.
Amrita Darshanam, International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, in association with Indic Book Club, Coimbatore, organized a one-day symposium on “Rama, Ramayana and Ayodhya: Insights from History” on March 17, 2018, at the Coimbatore campus.