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Obesity is the main determinant of preventable burden of diseases. Urbanization and Industrialization have Immensely contributed In promoting obesity. Neatly one third of the population Is obese or overweight. Even In Asia and Africa, there Is a significant Increase In Its prevalence. The rate of obesity In young adolescents and teenagers Is exceeding the adult rate. In India, under-nutrition Is rapidly replaced by obesity associated with affluence. With 41 million obese people, India ranks third in obesity after US and China. Obesity Conference 2017 focuses on bringing together diverse stakeholders to share knowledge, Identify collective solutions to increase access to healthy foods, increase opportunities for people to be physically active and flght obesity.


  • Global burden of obesity
  • Trends and challenges
  • Impact of obesity among Children, adults, pregnant mothers, and senior citizens
  • Management-Medical, Surgical , Nursing and Ayurveda


To create an awareness on epidemic of obesity, Its psychosocial and spatial issues among various groups, emphasizing the role of nurse and each Individual in Its prevention.

Conference Objectives

After the c-onference the delegates will be able to:

  • Identify the epidemic of obesity, its trends and causes.
  • Create awareness on the specific Impact of obesity among children, adults, pregnant mothers and seniordtizens.
  • Discuss the management of obesity (Medical, Surgical, Nursing and Ayurvedlc therapies) In v iew of challenges.
  • Sensitize on the psychosocial and spatial issues of obese.

The Target Beneficiaries

Nurses, Nursing Faculty, Doctors, UG & PG Students, Allied Health Professionals, Dietitians, Obese client, Parents of obese children.

Resource Persons
  • Dr. Manu Raj, Professor, Dept of Public HealthScience, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Arun S. Menon, Asst. Professor, Endocrinology, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Ganapathi Rao G., Professor, General Medicine, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. C. Jayakumar, Professor & HOD, Paediatrics, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. K. Laiitha, Dean Dept of Nursing (Retd), NIMHANS, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Sudheer O. V., Consultant, Gl & Hepatobiliary Surgery, AIMS, Kochi.
  • Dr. K. Valsraj Menon, AddL Medical Supdt, AIMS, Kochi
  • Ms. Lakshmi Saranya M. T., Clinical Psychologist,Dept. of Psythology, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Varsha Vaidya, Medical Director, Total wellness Psythiatrist, University of Maryland
  • Bri. Nivedita, HOD, Dept of Nutrition,,AIMS, Kochi.
  • Dr. D. M. Vasudevan, Emeritus Professor & Head,PG program & Research, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Sundeep Vijayraghavan, Professor, Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, AlMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Beena K. V., Senior Medical Administrator & Public Health Consultant,AIMS, Kochi.
  • Dr. M. R. Vasudevan Namboothiri, Principal. School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri, Kollam.
  • Bri. Sai Bala, Nursing Director, AIMS, Kochi
  • Prof. Sunil M., Amrita College of Nursing, AIMS, Kochi
  • Prof. K. T. Moly, Principal, Amrita College of Nursing, AIMS, Kochi
  • Mrs. Linda Varghese, Asst. Professor, Amrita College of Nursing, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Rashmi H. Poojara, Asst.Professor, Dept of Home Science, St. Teresas College, Kochi.
  • Ms. Anu Das M. V., RN RM, Surgical ICU, AIMS, Kochi
  • Dr. Deepthy Sharma, Professor, Dept of OBG, AIMS, Kochi
  • Ms. Divya G., RN RM, Gastro ICU, AIMS, Kochi

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts for oral/poster presentations are invited from Postgraduate Nursing students,Nursing staff and Nursing facul ty. It should be based on any of the sub themes of the conference.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts

  • Last date for submission: On or before 31/10/17
    Abstracts should be limited to 250 words in English in A4 size.
    The content should be in IMRAD. The name ofthe presenting author must be underlined.
  • Duration of oral presentation- 10 minutes. (7minutes for presentation and 3minutes for discussion)
  • The poster size should be 4 x 3 feet or 120 x 90cm. Scientific committee will review all abstracts and the selected delegates will be intimated in the due course of time.
  • Abstracts should be sent to the email id :

Day 1, Friday 1st December 2017

Time Programme Resource Person
8:00am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 9:20am Magnitude of Obesity:
Global Epidemic
Dr. Manu Raj,
Professor, Dept of Public Health Research,
AIMS, Kochi
9:20am – 9:40am Significance of Obesity Dr. Ganapathy Rao,
Professor, Dept of General Medicine,
AIMS, Kochi.
9:40am – 9:50am Tea Break
9:50am – 10:30am Inauguration
10.30am – 10.50am Obesity and Metabolism Dr. D M Vasudevan,
Emeritus Professor & Head,
PG program & Research
AIMS, Kechi.
10.50am – 11.10am Causes of Obesity Dr. Arun S Menon,
Assoc. Professor Dept of Endocrinology,
AIMS, Kochi
11.10am- 11.30pm Impact of Obesity Dr. Beena K V,
Senior Medical Administrator &
Public Health Consulatant, AIMS, Kochi

Dr. Deepthy Sharma
Professor, Dept. of OBG, Aims, Kochi

11.30am – 12 Noon Obesity- Psychiatry Dr. Varsha Vaidya
Medical Director • Total wellness
Psychiatrist – University of Maryland
12 Noon -12.45pm Obesity:Psychosocial issues
& Perception of Society
Dr. K lalitha,
Dean Dept of Nursing (Retd),
NIMHANS Banglore
12.45pm – 1.45 pm Lunch Break
1.45pm – 2.15pm Bariatric Psychiatry Dr. Varsha Valdya,
Medical Director · Total wellness
Psychiatrist, University of Maryland
2.15pm – 2.45pm Obesity among adoloscents Dr. Rashmi H Poojara,
Asst.Professor, Dept. of Home Science,
St Teresas College, Kochi.
2.45pm – 3.15pm Prevention of child obesity Prof. Sunil M,
Mrs. linda Varghese,  Asst.Professor,
3.15pm – 3.30pm Tea Break
3.30pm – 5.00pm Scientific Paper Presentation

Day 2, Saturday 2nd December 2017

Time Programme Resource Person
8:30am – 8:50am Paediatric Obesity Dr. C. Jayakumar, Professor & HOD,
Dept of Paediatrics. AIMS, Kochi
8:50am – 9:20am Bariatric Surgery Dr. Sudheer 0 V, C-onsultant,
Gl & Hepatobiliary Surgery,
AIMS, Kochi
9:20am – 9:35am Dietary modification after
Bariatric surgery
Bri. Nivedita,
HOD, Dept of Nutrition, AIMS, KoehL
9:35am – 10:15am Nursing care of patients
with Bariatric surgery Pre
& Post Operative care
Case Presentation
Prof . Kanmani J,
10:30am – 10:45am Tea Break
10.45am – 11.00am Psychological impact
of Child Obesity
Ms. lakshmi Saranya M T,
Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Psychology,
AIMS, Kochi
11.00am – 11.30am Depression in Obesity Dr. K Valsraj Menon,
Addl Medical Supdt, AlMS, Kochi
11.30am- 11.50am Spatial issues Bri.Sal Bala,
Nursing Director, AIMS, Kochi
11.50am – 12.15pm Plastic Surgery in body
Dr. Sundeep Vijayraghavan,
Professor Dept. of Plastsc & Reconsuuctive surgery,
AIMS, Kochi
12.15pm -1.15pm Lived in Experience Clinical Nurse Specialist-Doctor
& Patients
1.15pm – 2.15 pm Lunch Break
2.15pm – 3.00pm Obesity: An overview &
approach according
to Ayurveda
Dr. M. R. Vasudevan Namboothiri,
Principal. School of Ayurveda,
Amritapuri, Kollam.
3.00pm – 3.30pm Quality of Life after
Bariatric Surgery
Prof. K.T.Moly,
Principal, ACON, Kochi.
Admissions Apply Now