The program aims to give students an excellent grounding and a deep insight into Indian philosophical traditions, as well as Western thought. Its core unit explores the methodological foundations of Indian Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Logic, Yoga, Aesthetics and other allied areas. It encourages students to gain a working knowledge of Sanskrit in order to be better acquainted with primary sources. The program offers (1) a comprehensive introduction to the doctrinal foundations, history, regional context and theoretical presuppositions of Indian and Western schools of thought, and (2) advanced skills in research methodologies, writing, presentation and communication of knowledge.
Currently this program is offered at Amritapuri Campus. The course duration is 2 years, with 4 semesters.
- To understand some of the foundational ideas of Indian philosophy
- To critically engage with Indian philosophical texts
- To explore some of the core concepts and theories of contemporary thought in relation to ideas in classical Indian philosophy
- To develop an ability to use a variety of philosophical approaches in addressing contemporary issues and practically integrate them as a “way of life”