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Last Updated: December 1, 2024


As part of our ongoing Women’s Mentorship Program, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has implemented various mentoring schemes to support women students after they join our institution.

At Amrita, we believe mentorship can be an incredibly powerful tool to encourage the growth of young women and help them reach their full potential.

In 2023, 83% of our women students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels participated in mentorship programs at Amrita.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham offers different mentoring schemes to accompany, guide and inspire women students:

  • Specific tools for women, including: face-to-face or online mentoring, free conferences on job areas where women are under-represented, access to free international competitions for women. 
  • Generic tools from which women students can benefit, such as training and mentoring sessions for students organized by Amrita Corporate and Industry Relations Department. 
  • Inspiring talks or panel discussions on gender equality and female-specific subjects to generate reflection to become self-reliant and develop empowerment 
  • Indirect tools: Training and internships in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Research centers or departments with a high women’s empowerment component to benefit from national and international projects signed with major government and private institutions.

Several of our schemes are available both for staff and students. In each of these schemes, at least 10% of female students are participating.

1. Specific Mentoring Tools for Women
1.1 Team Shakti
1.2 Support Group for Women Ph. D. Students
1.3. Access to Women High Management Mentors
2. Generic Mentoring Tools for Women
2.1 Wellness Center and Counselling

Maintaining good emotional balance is essential for students to thrive academically and personally, with unique importance for women who may face additional pressures, such as societal expectations, career-family balance concerns, or gender-based challenges. Emotional well-being promotes focus, resilience, and a positive mindset, helping students handle academic demands and make informed decisions about their future.

At Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, the Student Affairs and Welfare Department offers dedicated support through its Counselling Wing, which addresses students’ personal and emotional concerns. This department serves as a one-stop support hub, providing guidance for both students and parents on academic and non-academic issues.

By collaborating with various departments, the Counselling Wing helps resolve challenges that could hinder students’ progress, ensuring they receive timely support for both personal and academic well-being.

For assistance, students and parents can reach the Help Desk at

0422 2685050/5051 or,,

For further information

2.2 Life Skills and Professional Mentoring

Amrita CIR (Corporate and Industry Relations) department has been continuously organizing training and mentoring sessions for students to encourage their growth and help them realize their full potential. Our women students can all benefit from these trainings to develop themselves, gain inner confidence and strength for their future career endeavors. 

The table below gives examples of the existing training and mentoring themes. 

LEARNING & DEVELOPMENTCIR has been conducting training in the three major areas of Life skills – Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal and Communication Skills and Soft Skills…»»SOFT SKILLSTraining in the area of Soft Skills is offered to students of Engineering, Management, as well as other disciplines like Computer Applications, Social Work, and Arts & Sciences…»»VERBAL & COMMUNICATION SKILLSCIR has been conducting training in the three major areas of Life skills – Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal and Communication Skills and Soft Skills….»»
QUANTITATIVE AND LOGICAL REASONING SKILLSQuantitative tests are conducted by companies as part of the recruitment process to assess the candidate’s decision-making abilities,…»»CORE COMPETENCY TRAINING – TECHNICAL SKILLSPlan, coordinate and execute core technical training across all engineering branches for B.Tech, MTech and MCA students. The technical domains would include:…»»HIGHER LEARNING INITIATIVESCIR has been conducting training in the three major areas of Life skills – Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal and Communication Skills and Soft Skills….»»
FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCYMany companies who recruit from Amrita, often send students to other countries for training and projects…»»CAREER GUIDANCEStudents often seek to clarify their career goals while in the campus. Some of them have career goals that need alignment inputs…»»PLACEMENTSCIR strives to achieve excellent placement of students each year….»»
ENGINEERINGPlacement for students of engineering, arts, science and allied courses are handled by one group of experts with Head-Placement at the top…»»MANAGEMENTIn order to fulfill the career aspirations of the students, it was found necessary for them to have expert assistance in specific areas, beyond their regular academic training…»» CORPORATE RELATIONSThe Corporate Relations function has to be all-encompassing as it has to serve varying needs of multiple disciplines and centre of the University…»»
CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONCorporate Communication is being undertaken by CIR on behalf of the university with the sole objective of impacting visibility in print and electronic media through regular write-ups like features, event reports, etc….»»CORPORATE TRAININGCIR has evolved specific corporate training programmes covering areas like leadership development, organizational development, change management, stress management,…»»AMRITA CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIPDeveloping entrepreneurship skills amongst students has gained ground in recent times. Most futuristic models of education are focused towards creating graduates who would not just take a job,…»»

At Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, we strongly believe that our female students possess a strong inner power. By engaging in talks, webinars, and discussions on gender and women-related topics, they gain valuable insights and the opportunity to reflect, empowering them to find their own solutions to challenges. This approach fosters self-reliance and confidence—it is truly a mentorship through example!
It’s a powerful indirect form of mentorship where role models inspire others through their own experiences, actions, and resilience, rather than direct, one-on-one mentoring sessions. Below are a few examples of subjects in which our students participated in 2023:

3.1 Female psychology

3.2 Transgender Issues

3.3 Cookery Talks

3.4. Gender sensitization and Film screening and Discussion on Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment with Filmmaker Frederique Bedos

3.5 Webinar on Women’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

3.7. Women’s Safety and Engaging Men & Boys towards Gender Equality

3.8. One Million Lights Nomination and Reflection on Gender Equality in Social Work Education

4. Indirect tools

The Center for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment is a research and academic center dedicated to promoting gender equality and fostering women’s empowerment, using technology and other innovative methods. Our center offers diverse courses on key focus areas, pilot radical ideas, and collaborate with leading universities and institutions to advance the initiatives. It also hosts the activities of India’s UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment and offers a wide range of opportunities for students to participate in research, academic and field projects.

Ammachilabs/ CWEGE – Centers Website

Amrita SREE

AmritaSREE (Self-Reliance, Employment & Empowerment) is a network of Self Help Groups managed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & the Mata Amritanandamayi Math that is based on the training of women to shift them from dependence to self-reliance, building trust and confidence between members. The projects are imbued with the entrepreneurial spirit and cover many areas of action, skill-development, and vocational training programs. Empowerment through loans is also facilitated to individual members to promote community growth.



Amrita CREATE, the education-technology research lab of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, provides tablet-based, technology-driven education in remote villages areas through its rural educational program called Amrita Rural India Tablet-enhanced Education (RITE).

Amrita RITE Amrita CREATE

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