Authors : Dr. Gireesh K. T., Poornaselvan, K.J.b, Sattviksharmaa, Gulshankumara, Sreevathsan, R.a
Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Authors : Vipin Das, Vijaya Pathak, Sattvik Sharma, Sreevathsan, MVVNS.Srikanth, Dr. Gireesh K. T.
Publisher :IJCSIT
Authors : Mallissery, Sanoop, K. Praveen, Sathar, Shahana
Publisher :CIIT 2011
Authors : Sharma, S., Sreevathsan, R., Srikanth, M.V.V.N.S., Harshith, C., Dr. Gireesh K. T.
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science
Authors : Raj, Ashji S., Dr. Srinivasan C.
Publisher :Advances in Network Security and Applications: 4th International Conference, CNSA 2011, Chennai, India, July 15-17, 2011
Authors : Nath, H.V
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science
Authors : Dr. Gireesh K. T., Sasidharan, Sapna, N., Karthikha, A.P., Sherly, Y., Avani
Publisher :Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering
Authors : Rahman, Ajvad, P. P. Amritha
Publisher :Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 2
Authors : Anjana, S., P. P. Amritha
Publisher :Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 1
Authors : Gregory Paul, T.G., Dr. Gireesh K. T.
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Authors : B.A. Sabarish, R. Karthi, Dr. Gireesh K. T.
Publisher :Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014,
Authors : Nidhin, D., I. Praveen, K. Praveen
Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing Systems: ICSCS 2015,