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Sustainable chemical synthesis for phosphorus-doping of TiO2 nanoparticles by upcycling human urine and impact of doping on energy applications

Authors : Sreejith P. Madhusudanan, Binitha Gangaja, Anjusree G. Shyla, A. Sreekumaran Nair, Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Dhamodaran Santhanagopalan

Publisher :ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng

Fabrication of chitin-chitosan/nano ZrO2 composite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

Authors : Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Ramachandran, R., Sudheesh Kumar, P.T., Divyarani, V.V., Srinivasan, S., Chennazhi, K.P., Tamura, H., Nair, S.V.

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Sequence-Specific Crosslinking of Electrospun, Elastin-Like Protein Preserves Bioactivity and Native-Like Mechanics

Authors : Benitez, P.L.a, Sweet, J.A.b, Fink, H.c, Chennazhi, K.P.d, Nair, S.V.d, Enejder, A.c, Heilshorn, S.C.e

Publisher :Advanced Healthcare Materials

Highly Biocompatible TiO2:Gd3+ Nano-contrast Agent with Enhanced Longitudinal Relaxivity for Targeted Cancer Imaging

Authors : Chandran, P., Abhilash Sasidharan, Anusha Ashokan, Menon, D., Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Manzoor K.

Publisher :Nanoscale

Hierarchically designed electrospun tubular scaffolds for cardiovascular applications

Authors : Shalumon, K.T., Sreerekha, P.R., Sathish, D., Tamura, H., Nair, S.V., Chennazhi, K.P., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Ultrafine TiO2 nanofibers for photocatalysis

Authors : Nair, A.S., Chacko, D.K., Madhavan, A.A., Arun, T.A., S. Thomas, Anjusree, G.S., Deepak, T.G., Balakrishnan, A., Subramanian, K.R.V., Sivakumar, N., Nair, S.V.

Publisher :RSC Advances

Titania Nanotubes loaded with zinc oxide nanoparticles for improved osseointegration and antibacterial activity

Authors : Elmy Elizabeth, Anitha A. Nair, Deepthy Menon, Dr. Manitha B. Nair

Publisher :International Conference on Biotechnology for Innovative applications - Amrita Bioquest

Thin film electrodes derived from nano structured carbon coated LiFePO4 composite for rechargeable lithium ion batteries

Authors : Praveen, P., Ravi, S., Soumya, M.S., Binitha, G., Balakrishnan, A., Subramanian, K.R.V., Nair, V.S., Sivakumar, N.

Publisher :Science of Advanced Materials

Studies on Bare and Mg-doped LiCoO2 as a cathode material for Lithium ion Batteries

Authors : Reddy, M.V.a b, Jie, T.W.a c, Jafta, C.J.d, Ozoemena, K.I.d e, Mathe, M.K.d, Nair, A.S.f, Peng, S.S.g, Idris, M.S.g, Balakrishna, G.h, Ezema, F.I.i, Chowdari, B.V.R.a

Publisher :Electrochimica Acta

Smart Stimuli Sensitive Nanogels in Cancer Drug Delivery and Imaging: A Review

Authors : Maya, S., Sarmento, B., Nair, A., Rejinold, N.S., Nair, S.V., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Current Pharmaceutical Design

Chitosan-Based Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy

Authors : Lakshmanan, V.-K., Bumgardner, J.D., Nair, S.V., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Muzzarelli R.A.A,, Prabaharan M.

Publisher :Advances in Polymer Science

Robust superamphiphobic film from electrospun TiO2 nanostructures

Authors : Ganesh, V.A., Dinachali, S.S., Nair, A.S., Ramakrishna, S.

Publisher :ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

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