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Perceptions of undergraduate medical students regarding institutional online teaching-learning programme

Authors : Unnikrishnan K. Menon, Natasha Radhakrishnan, Anu Sasidharan, Poornima Baby, Riju Ramachandran, Sumithra N. Unni C, Suja Gopalakrishnan

Publisher :Medical Journal Armed Forces India

Cerebellum and its disorders: A Review of Perspectives from Computational Neuroscience

Authors : Diwakar S, Moustafa AA

Publisher :A. Moustafa (Ed), Computational Models of Brain and Behavior, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester.

Correlations of Gait Phase Kinematics and Cortical EEG: Modelling Human Gait with Data from Sensors

Authors : Nutakki C., Bodda S, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :IntechOpen

Mathematical Modeling of Cerebellar Granular Layer Neurons and Network Activity: Information Estimation, Population Behaviour and Robotic Abstractions

Authors : Chaitanya Nutakki, Sandeep Bodda, Arathi Rajendran, Asha Vijayan, Bipin Nair

Publisher :Springer

Insight into data mining: Theory and practice

Authors : KP Soman, S Diwakar, V Ajay

Publisher :Prentice Hall PHI Pvt. Ltd.

MRI and CT Contrast Enabled Composite Implants for Image Guided Tissue Regeneration and Therapy

Authors : Prof. Manzoor Koyakutty, Prof. Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Sajesh K, Dr. Vijay Harish, Dr. Anusha Ashokan

Innovation Adoption and Diffusion of Virtual Laboratories

Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Vysakh Kani Kolil, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Raghu Raman

Publisher :International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (IJOE).

Stylometry detection using deep learning Computational Intelligence in Data Mining

Authors : Surendran KL, Harilal OP, Hrudya P, Suchetha NK

Publisher :Springer Singapore

Adoption of Virtual Laboratories in India, Learning Assessments and Roles of ICT Skill Learning Tools

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham.

Spectrum of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases: An Experience from A Tertiary Care Referral Centre From South India

Authors : Valappil, Aswathy; , Mehta, Asmita; , Kunoor, Akhilesh;, Nithya Haridas

Publisher :The Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis

Young man with nonresolving pneumonia

Authors : Nithya Haridas; , Mehta, Asmita; , Mohammed, Tajik; , Nair, Indu

Publisher :Egyptian Journal of Bronchology

Disseminated Tuberculosis with autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Authors : Nithya Haridas

Publisher :Pulmon

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