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Wearable Arm Robot Steering (WARS) Device for Robotic Arm Control Used in Unmanned Robotic Coconut Tree Climber and Harvester

Authors : Shiva Bandyopadhyay, Vamsy Vivek Gedala, K. G. S. Apuroop, Gone Sriteja, N. Ashwin Kashyap & Md, Juned Rahi

Publisher :Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering, Springer

Control of Quadrotors Using Neural Networks for Precise Landing Maneuvers.

Authors : Ananthakrishnan, U.S., Bhavani, R.R., Gayathri Manikutty, Akshay, N

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag,

Speed analysis of DC motor under load and no load condition using CHR based PID and LQR optimal controller. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9(15).

Authors : Prof. Bhavani Rao R, G. Seeja, , Manikutty G, V. Pillay, Saisudha v

Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications,

Unmanned Ground Vehicle Based Automated Soil Sampler Mechanism for Contaminated Soil Sites.

Authors : A David, G. Surendran, Gayathri Manikutty, R. Madhavan

Publisher :International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications

A Virtual Reality Based System for Training Rebar Bending Skills

Authors : Akshay Nagarajan, Rao R. Bhavani, Deepu D. Sasi, Gayathri Manikutty, Anirudh Muraleedharan, Balu M. Menon, Aswathi Padmavilochanan, Nidhin Sugunan

Publisher :(2018)

Vulnerability mapping: A conceptual framework towards a context-based approach to women’s empowerment

Authors : Gressel, C. M, Rashed T, Maciuika, Laura Aswati, Srividya Sheshadri, Coley, Christopher, Kongeseri, Sreeram, Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :World Development Perspectives

Towards synergistic women’s empowerment-transformative learning framework for TVET in rural India

Authors : Srividya Sheshadri, Christopher Coley, Devanathan, Sriram, Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :Journal of Vocational Education & Training

Protective Packaging and Delivery

Authors : Madhumati Anand, Gayathri Manikutty, Sunitha Kanthimathi, Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :India 202041018365. USA 16/917,354

A system and method for delivering haptic force feedback with cable and moving cap- Stan mechanism

Authors : Shanmugam Murugappan, Akshay Nagarajan, Bhavani Bijlani, Rao R. Bhavani

Augmented vocational tools using real time audiovisual feedback for psychomotor skill training

Authors : Akshay, N., Deepu, S., Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :ICTEE

Vocational education technology: rural India

Authors : Rao R. Bhavani, Sheshadri, Srividya, Unnikrishnan, R

Publisher :Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in India

Virtual soldering environment using touch and gesture for engineering labs education

Authors : Venkittarayan, C.a, Jayaprakash a, Madan Gopal, V.a, Kartikkumar, R.a, Nitin, B.S.a, Madan, N.a, Rajamani, K.b, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Bijlani, B.b, Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :TechSym 2010

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