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Computational modeling predicts activation patterns and plasticity in the cerebellar circuit

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Naldi, G., , D’Angelo, E.,

Publisher :FENS, Geneva, Switzerland .

Computational Reconstructions of Extracellular Action Potentials and Local Field Potentials of a Rat Cerebellum Using Point Neurons

Authors : Satram Dayamai Sai, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Thampi, Sabu M., Atiquzzaman, Mohammed, Naveen Kumar Sargurunathan, Chaudhary, Vipin, Varadha Sasi Menon, Kuan-Ching, Sneha Variyath, Gelenbe, Erol, Arathi Rajendran

Publisher :Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'20) , Chennai , India, October 14-17, 2020, Advances in Computing and Network Communications, Springer Singapore.

Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensor.

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Ramachandran Thiagarajan, Satheesh Babu Thekkedath

Publisher :Number 3697/CHE/2012 .

Computing LFP From Biophysical Models of Neurons and Neural Microcircuits

Authors : Bodda S, Parasuram H, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016), Jaipur, India.

Role of AIF in Plumbagin induced Paraptosis-A caspase independent cell death in MDA-MB-231 cancer cells

Authors : Dr. Nandita Mishra, , Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Damu Sunilkumar, Divya Nedungadi, Anupama Binoy

Publisher :39th Annual Conference of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR-2020): “Leading the Fight against Cancer”, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB)

Gold Nanoparticles Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanolabel for Voltammetric Immunosensing.

Authors : Vargis, Vidhu Sara, Jayachandran Priya, Chandhana, Surendran, Harsha, Punathil Vasu, Suneesh, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Thekkedath Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :IET Nanobiotechnol

Usage and Diffusion of Biotechnology Virtual Labs for Enhancing University education in India’s Urban and Rural Areas

Authors : Raghu Raman, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Akhila Shekhar, Gopika Sujatha, Rakhi Radhamani, Hemalatha Sasidharakurup, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :E-Learning as a Socio-Cultural System: A Multidimensional Analysis.

What virtual laboratory usage tells us about laboratory skill education pre- and post-COVID-19: Focus on usage, behavior, intention and adoption

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Nijin Nizar, Dhanush Kumar, Rakhi Radhamani

Publisher :Education and Information Technologies

Potent Chitin Synthase Inhibitors from Plants

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair,, Dr. Sanjay Pal, , Megha Prasad, Megha Prasad, Archana Palillamvedu, Sindhu Shetty K, Sindhu Shetty K, Nanjan Pandurangan, Nanjan Pandurangan, Chinchu Bose, Ajith Madhavan

Publisher :Current Bioactive Compounds

Computational Modelling of Cerebellum Granule Neuron Temporal Responses for Auditory and Visual Stimuli

Authors : Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Chaitanya Medini, Asha Vijayan, Arathi G. Rajendran, Dr. Bipin G. Nair

Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms.

Volume holographic gratings in acrylamide-based photopolymer to provide selective light as an added input for improving the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells

Authors : AB Sreebha, AB Sreebha, S Suresh, S Suresh, Dr. Sreekala C. O, Dr. Sreekala C. O, VP Mahadevan Pillai, VP Mahadevan Pillai


Effect of microwave exposure on the photo anode of DSSC sensitized with natural dye

Authors : Dr. Sreedevi K Menon, Dr. Sreekala C. O, Sreelatha K. Sharma, K E Swathi, I Jinchu

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing

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