Mr. Karan Dhillon of 2017 MBBS batch, School of Medicine, Amrita Health Sciences campus, Kochi, presented an oral paper at the Numcon 2019 – 4th National Undergraduate Medical Conference which was held at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, from April 25-26, 2019.
A pharma quiz competition was held on March 28, 2019, at the School of Pharmacy, Amrita Health Sciences campus, Kochi. The competition was based on an initial screening written test with 50 multiple choice questions (MCQs) covering different subjects in the Pharmacy curriculum.
In another stellar show of their ingenuity, innovation and independent thinking, the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) students of School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, have won top honours at the “VIVID 2019-Vision Insight and Voices as India goes Digital” 4th National Level Project Contest conducted by the Department of Information Technology, SSN College of Engineering in association with Cognizant Technology Solutions at Chennai.
The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Amrita School of Dentistry, secured the following awards at the 9th Annual State Conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Kerala Chapter conducted on 10th March 2019 at Broad Bean Hotel, Kochi.
In the Inter Amrita Athletics and Weight Lifting Championship, held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, from March 19-21, 2019, the School of Pharmacy students of B. Pharm., Pharm..D. and M..Pharm. batches. . .
A five member team accompanied by faculty members Ms. Santhya R. and Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan from TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, participated in the final round of Cyber Disease 2019 event at IIT Bombay on March 16, 2019, and secured the third prize.
Dr. Sujithra M., PG Scholar, Dept. of Dravya Guna Vijnana, School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, won the third prize in Scientific Paper Presentation (Oral) conducted by AHMA at Aluva on March 17, 2019.
Dr. Sujithra M., PG Scholar, Dept. of Dravya Guna Vijnana, School of Ayurveda, won the first prize in poster presentation in International Ayush Conclave, Thiruvananthapuram, conducted on February 18, 2019.
The student team of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, bagged the first prize in Group Music (Indian) at the 34th Inter-University South Zone Youth Festival 2018 “Padmotsav” held from October 7-11, 2018, in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. South Zone comprises of over 100 universities in the region.
Ms. Elena Santoro, a first year MA Philosophy student from Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies has secured the third prize in a national level painting competition titled ‘Story on Canvas’, organized by Nav Shri Art & Culture organization, New Delhi. The judges of the contest have found her canvas, titled ‘Beyond the Battle’ to be an extraordinary work of art that captured the spirit of Bhagavad Gita.