Dr. Minu Rosamma Joseph, First year PG Scholar, Department of Shalyatantra, School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, secured second prize in the poster presentation competition at THARVA-19 National Seminar on Emergency Management – An Ayurveda Approach, held at Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum, from July 3-4, 2019.
Dr. Anupama.J. Dileep, Dr. Aswathy Krishna and Dr. Ashita Ali, PG scholars from the Department of Shalakyatantra, School of Ayurveda, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, won first, second and third prize respectively for presenting scientific papers at Prayukta 2019 – National Seminar on Parasurgical Methods conducted by Sree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research, Pangode, Puthoor, on June 28, 2019.
The students from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, along with Professor Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian, won “Best Paper Runner-up Award” for their paper titled “A Dynamic Weighted Trilateration Algorithm for Indoor Localization using Dual-band WiFi” at the 17th International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographical Information Systems, held at Kyoto, Japan, from May 16-17, 2019.
The students of the Department of Visual Media and Communication, School of Arts and Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi campus, won first prize for their documentary ‘Prathichaya’ at the 12th International Documentary & Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK) held at Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, from June 21-26, 2019.
Team bi0s from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, participated in Troopers 19 Conference, held at Germany from March 18-22, 2019.
Ms. Aswathy Anilkumar, first year M. Sc. MLT, Pathology Specialization, won the first position in the Oral Presentation titled “Acquired Hemophilia- The Role of Laboratory in Diagnosis and Management” at the LABORION -2019 – National CME on Recent Advances in MLT, organized by Government Medical College, Trivandrum, on May 29, 2019.
The team “Asta Racing” of School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, won the 5th place at the Formula Hybrid Competition held at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon, NH, USA, from April 29 to May 2, 2019.
Four students from the Humanitarian Technologies (HuT) labs of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, will take part in this year’s Robocon 2019 competition to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA, from July 29-August 9, 2019.
B.Tech. students J. Anudeep, Kowshik G. and Assistant Professor Dr. Shriram K. Vasudevan of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, have been shortlisted for the finals of HackHarvard Global Hackathon, conducted by Tianchi Group, Alibaba.
A team of engineering students of the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, won the Overall Championship title at the National Solar Vehicle Challenge (NSVC) 2019.