The women’s athletic team of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus was the runner-up of the Inter Amrita Athletics Championship held at Coimbatore Campus from November 3-5,2017.
The IEEE Student Branch Chapter, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, won the “The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award” for the year 2017 under gold category, for the International Symposium on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ISEE) 2016.
The Final Year B.Tech students of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, won the third position in the 1st AICTE-ECI Chaatra Vishwakarma Award held at AICTE Headquarters, New Delhi, on 17th September, 2017.
The women’s Chess team of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus won the runner-up trophy at the Inter Amrita Chess Championship, Coimbatore Campus from September 14-16, 2017.
The men and women’s cross country team of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, were the runners-up in the Inter Amrita Cross Country Championship held at Coimbatore Campus from September 14-16, 2017.
The men’s swimming team of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus was the runner-up of the Inter Amrita Swimming Championship, from held at Coimbatore Campus, from September 14- 16,2017.
Amrita Chess Club member student, Mr. M. S. Sasankan, 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering, Amritapuri, secured 5th place in the 2nd Champions International FIDE Rated Tournament Below 1600 rating, held at Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Tummala Akhil Suman, 2nd year Mechanical Engineering student, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri, participated in the South India Power Lifting Championship and bagged gold medal in sub junior, 105 weight Category.
The 7th semester B.Pharm students of Amrita School of Pharmacy bagged 1st and 2nd prizes in the Swaccha Bharat contest held in relation with the National Conference on “ Youth in Social Change” organized by Manipal University on August 5-6, 2017.