November 2, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore Is the universe as we know it, managed and controlled by an ordered consciousness? Can our thoughts influence. . .
November 11, 2010 School of Engineering, Amritapuri “Interested in learning Free and Open Source Software? In your mother-tongue? Look no further!!!” This interesting message. . .
Nearly one lakh students, faculty and staff members of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and Amrita Vidyalayams took a pledge to strive for a clean India. This marked the formal launch of. . .
November 2, 2010 Coimbatore Campus On October 31, 2010, nearly 600 students and staff volunteers clad in fluorescent orange vests and gloves worked their way. . .
October 29, 2010 Schools of Engineering, Bengaluru The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Amrita’s Bengaluru campus has recently had a new book published, titled Operations. . .
October 28, 2010 Schools of Engineering, Coimbatore & Amritapuri Prof. Stefano Panzieri is the Director of the Automatic Laboratory of the Department of Information &. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham recently conducted India’s first national online Capture the Flag (CTF) style hacking contest with support from VeriSign Security Solutions. The contest, which officially began on February 15,. . .
November 18, 2010 School of Engineering, Bengaluru Every year MIT’s Technology Review (TR 35), recognizes outstanding innovators under the age of 35. This year, in. . .
October 26, 2010 Amritapuri Campus The student-led cleaning initiative continues. In fact, it has metamorphosed into something much bigger – the Amala Bharatam Campaign, a. . .
October 26, 2010 Amritapuri Campus Providing an opportunity for students and faculty to express their creative abilities while reporting the events of the academic year,. . .