March 22, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham hosted ECLETIC 2011 on March 6, with participation from 51 student IEEE chapters from all. . .
March 30, 2011 School of Engineering, Bengaluru “Sentience ’11 was a brilliant display of innovation, logic and of course, a great deal of fun,” stated. . .
April 30, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore The Third National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Computation and Signal Processing (RTCSP), was organized during March 1-2 at Amrita’s Coimbatore. . .
Marking a notable achievement in the history of the young Amrita Vidya Peetham, its Dean of Research, Dr. Shantikumar Nair received the prestigious National Research Award from the Ministry of. . .
February 24, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore A team of undergraduate engineering students at the Coimbatore campus has participated in the national-level BAJA SAEINDIA’s competition. . .
March 4, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri A new technologically advanced research lab was inaugurated at the Amritapuri campus on February 22, 2011. This new. . .
February 28, 2011 Coimbatore Campus “Students with a modern outlook will appreciate our scriptures better when rational explanations are provided for the mythological stories in. . .
February 21, 2011 Amrita Center for Nanosciences, Kochi In addition, Amrita has designed and patented a new technology, whereby the same panels can be used. . .
February 19, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri Vedic literature, said to be the oldest written body of knowledge known to man, was compiled by sages. . .
After the highly successful one-day workshop on virtual labs at the Amritapuri campus last month, it was Coimbatore campus’s turn to organize a similar workshop for both Amrita and non-Amrita. . .