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Serving the Community and Mother Nature

Serving the Community and Mother Nature

April 20, 2011

        April 20, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   Twice weekly, every Wednesday and Saturday, a handful of Amritapuri campus students and staff gather their gear (gloves, masks, ropes. . .

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Recycling Paper to Save Trees

Recycling Paper to Save Trees

April 19, 2011

Consider this. In the last 40 years, world consumption of paper has grown four hundred percent! Today, the world consumes about 300 million tons of paper every year. Most of. . .

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Engineering Students Fabricate Compost Aerator

April 9, 2011

        April 9, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   For quite some time now, all organic waste at the Amrita campuses is composted. A layer of vegetable. . .

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Multiple Honors for Coimbatore Sports Enthusiasts

April 8, 2011

        April 8, 2011 Coimbatore Campus   Amrita staff and students from the Coimbatore campus have been winning honors at state-wide sports championships.   In October 2010,. . .

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From University of L’Aquila, Italy

April 7, 2011

        April 7, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   Last year, Ms. Smrithi Rekha, from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Coimbatore proceeded to University. . .

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The Repository of India’s Cultural Values

April 6, 2011

        May 5, 2011 Coimbatore Campus   The third and concluding series of lectures on the Srimad Bhagavatam for this semester got underway during April 6-11 when. . .

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Remembering our Roots

April 6, 2011

        May 28, 2011 Coimbatore Campus   Much of India’s cultural identity is reflected in its vibrant religious festivals. Every festival tells a story which imparts spiritual. . .

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Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

April 4, 2011

May 4, 2011 Coimbatore Campus   In many parts around the world, fear of public speaking is the number one fear in most people’s minds, ranking higher than even fear. . .

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Amrita Faculty Presents Research Work

April 2, 2011

        April 2, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   Collaboration in the areas of information and communication technologies is increasingly important in a time of globalization and. . .

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Campus Day at Amritapuri

Campus Day at Amritapuri

April 1, 2011

        April 4, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   It is the one day in the year when all Schools and Departments at the Amritapuri campus come. . .

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