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Go Green Challenge

Go Green Challenge

June 1, 2011

        June 1, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   “Demand for power increases day-by-day while at the same time, carbon emissions reduction is becoming a major priority,”. . .

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Taking Disaster Seriously

May 28, 2011

        May 28, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   They convened in Geneva, Switzerland during May 8-13. Heads of State, Ministers, World Bank Managing Director and over. . .

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Going Virtual

May 25, 2011

        May 25, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   Learning is turning virtual. Education through virtual learning (VL) is becoming more popular every day. The quickly advancing. . .

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Amrita and CDAC Collaborate on Interactive Online Labs

Amrita and CDAC Collaborate on Interactive Online Labs

May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011 AmritaCREATE, Amritapuri A new research grant from the Department of IT, Government of India will see Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and CDAC-Mumbai design interactive Online Labs using advanced. . .

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Building Safely

May 19, 2011

        May 19, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   Earthquakes happen all the time. The harm they can cause, ranges from minor to disastrous. In the case. . .

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Building a Formula Race Car

May 18, 2011

        May 18, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri   Riding in a race car which moves at 200 miles an hour can be an exhilarating experience. Building. . .

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Discovering India

May 17, 2011

        June 9, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   Just as soon as summer vacations began, the Amrita Students Forum for Indian Heritage organized a five-day trip to explore. . .

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New Elective in Yoga Psychology

May 15, 2011

        May 15, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   All engineering students at the Coimbatore campus attend mandatory classes in yoga. They learn various asanas, and practice. . .

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New Mexico Students in Amrita and Vice-Versa

May 14, 2011

        May 14, 2011 Amritapuri & Coimbatore Campuses   Last year an MoU was signed with the University of New Mexico to facilitate student exchanges.    . . .

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New Wind Energy Center at Amrita

New Wind Energy Center at Amrita

May 12, 2011

        May 21, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   With India’s growing economy, its demand for electricity is skyrocketing. Currently, most of India’s electricity needs are supplied. . .

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