Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy, flew from Jammu and Kashmir to Tamil Nadu to attend Amrita’s Renewable Energy International Conference at the Coimbatore Campus. Padma. . .
Dr. K. Kalyana Sundaram, Senior Scientist at the Lab for Photonics and Interfaces at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), was a plenary speaker at the pre-conference workshop during. . .
The Second International Conference on Renewable Energy: Resources, Challenges & Opportunities was organized during March 9-10, 2012 by the Amrita School of Engineering in Coimbatore. The First Conference was also. . .
The Amrita team that participated in Mozilla’s Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge, was one of the few Indian teams to compete. The 24 hour online competition began on January 24th,. . .
One has a car. Is it possible to convert it into a hybrid vehicle? What about converting a bicycle into an electric-powered cycle, so that it can truly substitute for. . .
Dr. P.S. Chandramohanan Nair, Professor and Chairman, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is guiding Amrita PhD students in finding new and innovative ways to reduce power losses from the. . .
Mr. Sreekanth K.M., PhD student in the Department of Physics at the Amritapuri campus was offered an opportunity to go abroad to do part of his research work at the. . .
In the past six months, 233,570 visitors have accessed the Virtual Labs website. The visitors came not just from India but also United States, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada,. . .
In these modern times, chemists remain busy synthesizing and characterizing novel compounds that can be used for many beneficial purposes. For instance, Dr. R. Yamuna, Assistant Professor in the Department. . .
The ACM-W India Council provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in India in the fields of computer science and engineering and other related disciplines. In 2010, the Coimbatore. . .