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Laurels in Analog Design Contest

Laurels in Analog Design Contest

April 19, 2012

Five third-year students of B.Tech. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) won laurels for their institution when they placed third in the nation-wide Texas Instruments India Analog Design Contest. The team of. . .

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IEEE SEC Grants for Student Projects

IEEE SEC Grants for Student Projects

April 16, 2012

Vineeth Mohan, Paul Leons, Ajay Mohanan and Rizwin Shooja won yet another accolade when their B.Tech. student project was chosen for the IEEE Standards Education Committee (SEC) grant of US. . .

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Haves and Have-Nots in Media

Haves and Have-Nots in Media

April 13, 2012

Questions such as these were explored by Ms. Somali Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Communication, Coimbatore when she was invited to speak at the International Conference on Diversity and. . .

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Amrita Students Ace GATE Exam

Amrita Students Ace GATE Exam

April 10, 2012

After graduating with a B.Tech. degree, students fueled by a love for engineering subjects, may opt to enroll for an M.Tech. degree in a premier university. They have to qualify. . .

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From Building Storeys to Penning Stories

April 4, 2012

“For constructing buildings, one chooses an appropriate plot (of land) and builds storeys. In film making also, one needs to develop the plot through stories.” Seeking to draw a parallel. . .

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Amrita Students Win Quiz Contest

April 2, 2012

“I am typically found under highways and railway tracks; I allow water to be channeled underneath; what am I?” “Culvert,” answered Amrita students Hema Sharanya and Rini John Alappat. These. . .

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Earth Hour 2012 at Amrita

Earth Hour 2012 at Amrita

March 31, 2012

How much impact can one committed person make? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Varun Venkataraman, final-year student of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) at Amrita’s Coimbatore campus initiated various programs. . .

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Bursary Award for Research Scholar

Bursary Award for Research Scholar

March 26, 2012

When Gandhiji visited London in 1931, he sadly observed that India at that time was more illiterate than it was a hundred years ago. Indeed, extensive surveys conducted by the. . .

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Learning About Computer Vision

Learning About Computer Vision

March 21, 2012

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Amrita’s Bengaluru campus organized a national-level seminar on Computer Vision for Robotics during February 24-25, 2012. The Department of Computer Science and. . .

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Amrita Alumnus at Max-Planck Institute in Germany

March 20, 2012

The Max-Planck Institute in Germany is regarded as one of the world’s top research organizations. Over the years, luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg and Max-Planck have been associated. . .

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