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Introduction to Research Methodologies

Introduction to Research Methodologies

June 25, 2012

“Students from Western universities are opting for inter-disciplinary courses with a new fervor and travelling to India, the Far East and Africa, interacting with society, delivering solutions, offering discourse and. . .

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Award for New Google-Style Search Engine

Award for New Google-Style Search Engine

June 13, 2012

Amrita alumnus Santhosh Kumar Balakrishnan recently won an award from Google for building a Google-style search engine from scratch. Santhosh graduated from Amrita’s Coimbatore campus in 2007, with a BTech. . .

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An Invigorating Start for Amrita Racing

An Invigorating Start for Amrita Racing

June 9, 2012

“Ours was the first Indian team ever to endure and complete the four-hour race on the 2.2 mile track at the inter-collegiate SAE International Baja Auburn,” proudly stated Dr. Thirumalini,. . .

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Workshop on Advances in Signal and Image Processing

May 30, 2012

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Coimbatore campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham organized a workshop titled Advances in Signal and Image Processing during May 30 – June. . .

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From Warsaw, Poland

May 23, 2012

Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Br. Anand Shenoy and I were in Warsaw during the week of May 13-18 to attend the annually-held World Finals of the largest and most prestigious collegiate. . .

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Honorary Membership in GUIDE

Honorary Membership in GUIDE

May 11, 2012

In India today, there are 634 universities and 33,023 colleges that have a total of 16,97,500 students enrolled. Given the acute shortage of qualified faculty, the Union Ministry of Human. . .

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Innovation Jockeys Awarded

Innovation Jockeys Awarded

May 5, 2012

Vineeth Mohan, Paul Leons, Rizwin Shooja and Ajay Mohanan, final-year students of BTech (Electronics and Communication Engineering) at Amrita teamed up to make a Smart Traffic Controller. “With our controller,. . .

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Film-Making For A Profession

May 3, 2012

The highest grossing Bollywood film of all times, 3 Idiots, inspired Rohith Narayanan, to make his own home grown version that explored the theme of friendship among college-going students. His. . .

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Swamiji Speaks at Campus Day 2012

Swamiji Speaks at Campus Day 2012

April 27, 2012

Sampoojya Swami Poornamritananda Puri spoke to the Amrita fraternity during Campus Day celebrations at Amritapuri on April 27, 2012. The thousands of students enrolled in various programs offered by Amrita. . .

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Campus Day and Samavarnam @ Amritapuri

Campus Day and Samavarnam @ Amritapuri

April 26, 2012

“This is a good day to feel proud and inspired, and happy about the achievements of one of the younger campuses of one of the fastest growing universities in India. . .

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