Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Department of Information Technology, School of Engineering at Coimbatore campus hosted Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – All India Student Congress (IEEE-AISC) 2013 from October 3-6, 2014. IEEE-AISC. . .
Amrita Center for Excellence in Computational and Networking (CEN) released the 8th print of third edition of the book Insight into Wavelets series on October 2013. Authored by Dr. K. P. Soman, Dr. Ramachandran. . .
R Pramod, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru provided expert input to the research thesis, Experimental Characterization of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Carbon Based. . .
An Amrita paper titled A Sensor for Detection of Contaminants in Water was accepted for the presentation at the International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering organized by the Institute. . .
Srishti Srivasthava, final-year student of BTech in Computer Science and Engineering at Amritapuri campus, will soon complete her prestigious Google Summer of Code (GSoC) internship. Beginning on May 24, 2013. . .
Sowmya Ravidas, Savita Seetaraman and Sreepriya C., who just graduated with BTech degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the Amritapuri campus won the top honors in InCTF 2013, beating. . .
Wireless sensor networks are being increasingly used to develop high-tech advance warning systems for natural and human-induced disasters. Now a team of final-year BTech students of Electronics and Communication Engineering,. . .
How can we make human – computer interactions more effective and easier? Final-year BTech students of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Abhijith N. Kashyap, Siddhartha Kumar and Visarad S.. . .
Third-year students of BTech (Computer Science and Engineering), Santhosh Reddy and Dhanush recently made a unique contribution to their college. The duo, with the guidance of their teacher, Ms. Santhanalakshmi,. . .
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Amrita School of Engineering at Coimbatore campus organized a two-day training program on Solar Photovoltaic Systems during August 3 – 4,. . .