Nearly a hundred alumni from Amrita School of Engineering came together at their alma mater for the sixteenth Annual Alumni Meet on February 16, 2014. For many of them who shared their. . .
Amrita won the Exhibition of Academia Project award at the IMTEX Forming 2014, 16th Indian Metal-cutting Machine Tool Exhibition, held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore. The exhibit showcased Amrita’s novel patented technology on the manufacturing of Anti-Bourdon. . .
Dr. D. Praveen, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, has been honoured with a grant for his research initiative Studies on Cathode Materials for all Solid. . .
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch (IEEE SB) at Amritapuri campus received the prestigious Outstanding Student Branch Award during the IEEE Kerala Section Annual General Meeting (AGM). . .
BTech students at Amritapuri Campus qualify for the world finals of the globally most reputed computer problem solving and software programming contest, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The ACM-ICPC. . .
The 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking was hosted by the Department of Information Technology (IT) at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Coimbatore campus from January 4 – 7, 2014.. . .
International Journal of Advances in Computing publishes Amrita paper titled Design and Development of Mobile Operated Control System for Humanoid Robot. The paper, authored by Dr. Ganesh Udupa, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. . .
For further meteorological studies a balloon borne field experiment explored parameters such as gradient of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind flow profiles in the complete troposphere, in its entire 30. . .
Third year B. Tech. students of the Department of Computer Science Engineering at the Coimbatore Campus, M. Anirudh Sreenivas, K. Arjun and Gowtham Raj P., have won accolades in Inscribe 2013, a national innovative technical paper presentation contest conducted by Bosch India in Bangalore.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has accomplished another milestone by hosting the 2013 edition of Aspiration 2020, a national level online programming contest. By setting up and allocating the programming environment, more. . .