IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru organized a seminar on “Power Electronics Applications in Power Systems” on 3rd of November 2015.
Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru Campus organized its Annual Science Fest, Aarohan’15, from November 5-6, 2015. The annual Amrita Science Fest, Aarohan, is an initiative to foster a bond between an institution of higher education and schools.
Every time an elderly person struggled to move wheelchairs, 39-year-old PhD scholar Rajesh Kannan would feel a lump in his throat. Acting on that thought, he decided to build a. . .
Amrita students from Cybersecurity Systems & Networks Center participated in the world’s biggest student cybersecurity contests during New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering’s annual Cyber Security Awareness Week (NYU CSAW) games.
An Amrita paper titled, “Design of Spider Mechanism for Extraterrestrial Rover”, won the best paper award at the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME – 2015) organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, Toc H Institute of Science and Technology (TIST), Ernakulam, Kerala from September 3-5, 2015.
The End Semester Examinations schedule of B. Tech., M. Tech., MCA, MSW, MA, BA, Int. M. Sc., Int. MA, I & II Sem Supplementary Exam & Remedial Course at Coimbatore campus are announced.
Adinarayanan V., Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Department of Cultural Education, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore has combained the ancient Indian system of yoga and stories from Mahabharatha and modern cognitive and behavioral sciences to successfully enhance the attitude of students towards learning.
After days of mulling over the best innovation across Amrita Campuses Amrita TBI is proud to announce Prashanth Reddy, 4th year ECE student, Bangalore campus, as the winner.
Navaratri was extensively celebrated at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus from 14 to 23 October, 2015.
Final year B.Tech. Civil Engineering students at the Amrita School of Engineering in Coimbatore campus- Mansi Trivedi, Satish A. J., Thanu Suthan P. M., Varsha Pinnamaraju and Vignesh V. won the first prize in the Coimbatore Builders and Contractors Association (CEBACA) Talent Hunt 2015 held on October 11, 2015.