Mr. Sabiq, an M.Tech. student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, has received an opportunity to study at University of Porto, Portugal. He was selected to go to University of Porto, through the Merging Voices Erasmus Program. He is currently working on his final semester project.
Rakhi Gayathri, a student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri campus, has returned from University of New Mexico (UNM) after completing the student exchange program.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham released the results for the B.Tech Honors in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Admissions – 2017 – Amrita School of Engineering on July 7, 2017.
The Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, hosted an evening of music, dance and entertainment to officially flag off the beginning of the annual cultural extravaganza Kalanjali 2017.
Candidates can see the status of B. Tech. Counseling Seat Availability 2017.
Instructions for withdrawal and refund of fees from the BTech Program-BTech Admissions 2017.
The research article titled, “A Comparative Study on Decomposition of Test Signals Using Variational Mode Decomposition and Wavelets” has been selected as Editor’s Choice of the year 2016 under the category of Information Technology by the International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
The provisional results of II, IV and VI Semester B.Tech, II Semester M.Tech, Int. M.Sc., BA, MA, PGDJ, MSW, M.Sc- May 2017 Examinations conducted in May 2017 are announced by the Controller of Examinations of Coimbatore Campus.
Admission Formalities for New Batch of Students – B.Tech. 2017 Program, Amritapuri Campus
Admission formalities for new batch of students, who are joining B. Tech. (2017) program in Coimbatore campus.