Amrita faculty members, Mr. Prashant R. Nair, Vice Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, and Dr. K. V. Shriram, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Coimbatore, have authored a textbook, Software Project Management, published by the reputed publishing house, Narosa.
IEEE PES and IAS joint student branch chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, conducted Energy Week, from August 28 to September 1, 2017. This week long celebration focused on the themes of the future of energy, innovation and research.
Amrita Chess Club member student, Mr. M. S. Sasankan, 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering, Amritapuri, secured 5th place in the 2nd Champions International FIDE Rated Tournament Below 1600 rating, held at Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Prof. Prashant R. Nair, Vice-Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, has been appointed as the national editor for Computer Society of India (CSI) Communications.
IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru organized a seminar on, “Power System Scenario in India”, on August 5, 2017.
The 14th Graduation Day of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, was held at the campus on 26th August, 2017. 1725 students from the disciplines of engineering, business, arts & sciences, mass communication and social work received their degrees. This included 15 PhDs, and 50 medalists and rank-holders.
Tummala Akhil Suman, 2nd year Mechanical Engineering student, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri, participated in the South India Power Lifting Championship and bagged gold medal in sub junior, 105 weight Category.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham faculty members was awarded a grant of Rs. 37.24 lakhs from the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for developing a novel electrochemical packed bed reactor technology for removing heavy metals from water.
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham announced the graduation ceremony details. The events will include awarding PhD, PG and UG degrees of all programs offered at its various campuses. All graduands need to register online to attend the Graduation Ceremony.
Dr. Maya Mahajan, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, initiated a new sustainable development project. She has been working with tribal communities of Singampathy, Sarkarporathy and Kalkotipathy to make furniture from the forest weed, Lantana and thereby helping them create a sustainable livelihood in the modern world.