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Donate Blood … Save Lives

June 14, 2011

        June 24, 2011 Health Sciences Campus, Kochi   World Blood Donors Day is observed globally on June 14 every year. This is observed in honor of. . .

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For International Collaborations in Nursing

For International Collaborations in Nursing

June 11, 2011

Over a thousand nurses from all over the world gathered recently at the 38th Annual Convention of the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) in Louisville, KY. Amrita was represented by its. . .

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Fighting a Global Menace

May 31, 2011

        July 4, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi   Did you know that thousands of teenagers smoke everyday? It is alarming to learn that their numbers go. . .

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International Nurses Day at Amrita

May 12, 2011

        May 21, 2011 School of Nursing, Kochi   Celebrated all around the globe in remembrance of The Lady with the Lamp, Florence Nightingale, International Nurses Day. . .

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Students Ace Exam on Indian Culture and Values

April 14, 2011

        April 14, 2011 Health Sciences Campus, Kochi   Whether it is engineering or medicine or arts and sciences or some other discipline of study that an. . .

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Treating Rare Genetic and Metabolic Disorders

March 30, 2011

        March 30, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi   Of late, research papers published from the Amrita Department of Pediatric Genetics have received worldwide attention. The papers. . .

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SPECTRA ’11 – Student Nurses Sports Meet

March 8, 2011

        March 25, 2011 School & College of Nursing, Kochi   The Annual Sports Meet of the Amrita School and College of Nursing, got underway during March. . .

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Nursing Workshops Commence at Amrita

Nursing Workshops Commence at Amrita

February 21, 2011

A series of four workshops, sponsored by the Directorate General of Health Services of Kerala State, commenced at the Amrita College of Nursing on February 21, 2011. The workshops meant for. . .

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IV Nurse Day Celebrations at Amrita

January 25, 2011

        March 23, 2011 School of Nursing, Kochi   January 25 is globally celebrated as Intravenous Nurse Day, a day that acknowledges and honors the services of. . .

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Amalabharatam Cleanup Drives Continue

January 23, 2011

        January 25, 2011 Kochi Campus   In order to fulfil Chancellor Amma’s vision for a Clean India, the 4th Sunday of every month, designated as Clean. . .

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