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Compassionate Touch Therapy for Patients

January 11, 2011

        January 16, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi   Can a compassionate touch enhance the physical and psychological well being of a patient?   “Absolutely,” says Shawnee. . .

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Collaboration with Stanford Moves Ahead

January 10, 2011

        January 23, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi   Since the start of the new year, the Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine (ACNSMM) at Kochi. . .

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MIT Team Visits Amrita

MIT Team Visits Amrita

January 8, 2011

“What an eye opening experience our visit to Amrita has been!” stated Dr. Judson Harward, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who recently spent some time visiting our large. . .

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Engineering Students Develop Medical Imaging Software

December 20, 2010

        December 20, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   Chancellor Amma encourages the Amrita faculty and students to undertake interdisciplinary research to solve societal problems. Now M.Tech.. . .

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Studying a Rare and Unusual Cause of Heart Failure

December 17, 2010

        December 18, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi   Can the deficiency of vitamin B1 lead to heart failure?   “Yes,” stated Dr. Priya Nair, postgraduate scholar. . .

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Role Models at the Health Sciences Campus

December 9, 2010

        December 14, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi   The Health Sciences campus, with a large number of female students enrolled in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine,. . .

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ECT for Psychiatric Treatment

November 30, 2010

        December 19, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi   Dr. Howard C. Wilinsky, Chief of Electroconvulsive Services for the University of Buffalo’s Psychiatric Residency Program was recently. . .

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Amrita Performs Kerala’s First Successful Norwood Procedure

November 26, 2010

        November 26, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi   Kerala’s first successful Norwood Procedure-Stage I was performed by the pediatric cardiac team at Amrita’s School of Medicine.. . .

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How Zero-Waste Can Help Mitigate Global Warming

November 15, 2010

        November 15, 2010 Health Science Campus   Mr. Peter Ash is an international consultant on integrated waste management and sustainable development. He recently spoke at the. . .

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Advanced Cardiac Workshop at Amrita

November 10, 2010

        November 19, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi   The Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at the Amrita School of Medicine organized a two-day live workshop. . .

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