Dr.Unnikrishnan Menon, Assistant Professor in the Department of ENT at the Amrita School of Medicine was recently awarded the best poster award at the 6th Phonosurgery Conference and Swallowing Disorders. . .
“I, hereby, solemnly declare and promise that I will, in my thoughts, words and deeds, uphold the ideals of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and commit myself to serving my motherland India,. . .
The Amrita Endocrinology, Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Conference (AEDFC) 2012 was organized at our Health Sciences campus in Kochi during September 14-16, 2012. The conference saw the participation of over. . .
July 26, 2012 School of Medicine, Kochi The Amrita Osteoporosis Clinic was inaugurated at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences by Prof. K. V. Thomas,. . .
Annamalai Nadarajan, student of the 2011 MBBS batch at the Amrita School of Medicine recently received the best student paper award at the 7th Biennial World Cleft Lip and Palate. . .
Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy (AACE), providing comprehensive epilepsy care at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences successfully completed two years of service in June 2012. The Centre was inaugurated. . .
Amrita LASIK Centre, a new addition to the Division of Cornea and Refractive Surgery of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences was formally inaugurated on. . .
The Department of Orthopaedics at the Amrita School of Medicine successfully completed three thousand joint replacement surgeries recently. With this, yet another milestone was scripted in the field of comprehensive. . .
A one-day national conference on Gen-X Hospital Management Mantras was organized by the Department of Hospital Administration at the Amrita School of Medicine on April 2, 2012. Titled NOVUS 2012,. . .
Dr. V. Narayanan Unni, Professor and Head of the Department of Nephrology at the Amrita School of Medicine was nominated by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow,. . .