Announcing the presence of a former Facebook employee was enough to have a full house for the colloquium which was held on 6thAugust, 2016, at Amrita School of Business, Bengaluru. The speaker was Mr. Ankit Jain who has rubbed shoulders and had one to one meetings with Mark Zukerberg. The students were enthralled and involved.
Mr. Mukund, Associate Director of Royal Bank of Canada, was the speaker in the lively session full of question and answers. This question hour was arranged during the colloquium, which was conducted for 1st Year MBA students of Department of Management, Bangalore on 3rd August, 2016.
Amrita MBA students from Amritapuri campus secured the 2nd spot in the national Startup Weekend contest powered by Google, conducted on 5th, 6th and 7th August 2016.
The Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham MBA Programme and the Center for Economic Fragility & Governance (CEFg), Amritapuri campus, jointly organized a Seminar on Diet Quality, Child Health, and Food Policies in Developing Countries on 18th June, 2016, in Amritapuri. The invited speaker for the event was Dr. Alok Bhargava, Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, USA.
Having achieved resounding success in its nine years of operations, the Department of Management (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru Campus) added another feather in its cap as it inaugurated the MBA-MS Class of 2016-18 on June 20th, 2016 at its Bengaluru Campus.
The MBA students of Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore from Class of 2016 visited Moksha Griha, a crematorium in Coimbatore as a part of the curriculum of Service Operations Management course.
Having won a multi-million European-funded research project and in order to spend more time focusing on research and teaching, Dr. Amalendu Jyothishi, Professor and Chairman, Amrita School of Business (ASB) Ph.D. program has decided to step down from his responsibilities as the Chairman of the program.
Dr. Sanjay Banerji, Founder Dean and Professor Emeritus, Amrita School of Business (ASB) Coimbatore was invited by Dr. Cecep Effendi, Director General, Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) to visit Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore (ASBC) completed its summer placements for its entire batch of 128 students of Class of 2017, with manufacturing firms hiring the most number of students.
Dr. R. Raghu Raman, Chairman, Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore, was invited to speak at the 2nd Asian Management Conclave (AMC), Singapore on March 7th-8th, 2016. The conference, organized by and hosted by Singapore Management University (SMU), focused on the theme, ‘Enhancing Competitiveness of Asian B-schools’.