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Peak Oil and India’s Oil Refineries

Peak Oil and India’s Oil Refineries

January 31, 2011

        January 31, 2011 School of Business, Amritapuri   Students from Amrita Vidyapeetham  were centre stage this week at an international education conference in Europe.   Their. . .

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Workshop on Active Learning

January 22, 2011

        February 22, 2011 School of Business, Bengaluru   Instant availability of information on the Internet may soon make the traditional lecture-method of teaching obsolete. After all,. . .

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Meeting Our Role Model

January 22, 2011

        January 22, 2011 School of Business, Bengaluru   Amrita students recently had the opportunity to meet with a celebrated business leader of our times. Given below. . .

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Colloquium Marks Beginning of Environmental Class

January 19, 2011

        January 20, 2011 School of Business, Bengaluru   Students at the Amrita School of Business at Bengaluru had a rare treat on a recent afternoon, when. . .

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Amritian Highlights e-Revolution Progress

January 18, 2011

        January 18, 2011 School of Business, Coimbatore   The Akshaya team, known for facilitating the e-revolution in Kerala, recently won an award in New Delhi, giving. . .

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Ex Yahoo Chief for Emerging Markets Visits Amritapuri

Ex Yahoo Chief for Emerging Markets Visits Amritapuri

January 13, 2011

        January 23, 2011 School of Business, Amritapuri   A former Yahoo Chief for Emerging Markets visited Amritapuri last week, shortly after resigning from his position at. . .

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Nature’s Coast Guards

January 5, 2011

        January 5, 2011 School of Business, Kochi   A team of MBA students from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was invited to present a poster on mangrove ecosystems. . .

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A Footprint to Create Awareness and Inspire Action

A Footprint to Create Awareness and Inspire Action

January 5, 2011

        January 5, 2011 School of Business, Amritapuri   India kicks off 2011 with its first international energy summit to be held in Nagpur during January 27-30.. . .

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Walt Disney Graphics Expert Speaks to Amrita Students

January 3, 2011

        January 6, 2011 Amritapuri & Coimbatore Campuses   “Tangled took three years to complete. Our animation team had nearly four hundred members.”   Mr. Rajesh Sharma,. . .

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ABC and Amma’s Young Generation

ABC and Amma’s Young Generation

January 3, 2011

Arvind Pai is a second year student at the Amrita School of Business at Kochi. Every time a clean up drive has been organized as part of the Amala Bharatam. . .

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