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Science Village – A Huge Draw at Vidyut

Science Village – A Huge Draw at Vidyut

February 2, 2012

Imagine a future when all houses generate their own electricity through either solar or wind power. They harvest and store rain water and use it as their primary source of. . .

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Vidyut Multi-Fest at Amrita

February 1, 2012

Engineering colleges in India organize tech fests. Business schools host management fests. With Amrita’s focus on multi-disciplinary education and research, it is but natural that B.Tech., M.Tech., B.Sc., M.Sc. and. . .

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Book Chapter Published

January 31, 2012

Amrita faculty recently authored a book chapter on Biotechnology Virtual Labs, which is included in book titled Innovations in Biotechnology. The book will be published by InTech, an open access. . .

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A  Recipe for Life

A Recipe for Life

December 16, 2011

December 16, 2011 Amritapuri and Coimbatore campuses Managing diabetes is a life-long commitment with four essential ingredients. 1. A healthy eating plan with moderate food intake at regular intervals 2.. . .

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Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at GUIDE Conference

Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at GUIDE Conference

December 11, 2011

Recent work on Virtual Labs was presented at the GUIDE conference titled “E-learning innovative models for the integration of education, technology and research” held at Rome, Italy from Nov 18-19, 2011. GUIDE. . .

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The Global Learning Community

The Global Learning Community

December 5, 2011

        December 5, 2011 School of Biotechnology   The concept of globalization is often associated with economic advances brought about by the reduction of international trade barriers.. . .

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Computational Neurosciences Research at Amrita

Computational Neurosciences Research at Amrita

November 19, 2011

The computational neurosciences research group in Amrita continues its path-breaking work in modelling the human brain.Recently the group had the opportunity to present its work in Europe when Dr. Shyam. . .

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Amala Bharatam Campaign Tackles More Issues

Amala Bharatam Campaign Tackles More Issues

November 5, 2011

In 2010, the Indian government said a firm no to Bt brinjal, a genetically modified vegetable supposedly more resistant to attack from pests and disease.   Recently, the Chinese government. . .

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Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at Bernstein Conference

Center for Computational Neuroscience presents at Bernstein Conference

October 9, 2011

Recent developments at the Computational Neuroscience lab was presented at the Bernstein conference held at University of Freiburg in Germany from Oct 4-6, 2011. The work was titled “Information processing in the cerebellum granular layer and. . .

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Nobel Prize Winner is Adjunct Faculty at Amrita

Nobel Prize Winner is Adjunct Faculty at Amrita

October 6, 2011

What scientists understand, through innumerable failures and the rare success, is that science is a process that involves approaching the truth through trial and error, always realizing that you have. . .

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