June 3, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri The First Annual International Conference on Society, Technology and Sustainable Development, ICSTSD 2011, organized by the Department. . .
June 1, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore “Demand for power increases day-by-day while at the same time, carbon emissions reduction is becoming a major priority,”. . .
May 31, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Does your child experience difficulty with learning daily lessons at school? Is there a problem with the child’s. . .
June 30, 2011 School of Business, Coimbatore Recently Ajay and Lalitha Manrai, Professors of Marketing from the Department of Business Administration, University of Delaware, USA,. . .
May 25, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri Learning is turning virtual. Education through virtual learning (VL) is becoming more popular every day. The quickly advancing. . .
May 20, 2011 AmritaCREATE, Amritapuri A new research grant from the Department of IT, Government of India will see Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and CDAC-Mumbai design interactive Online Labs using advanced. . .
May 19, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore Earthquakes happen all the time. The harm they can cause, ranges from minor to disastrous. In the case. . .
May 21, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore With India’s growing economy, its demand for electricity is skyrocketing. Currently, most of India’s electricity needs are supplied. . .
May 11, 2011 School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri Did you know that half the tiger population of the world lives in India? Amrita biotech. . .
There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, the same number as stars in our galaxy. Neurons are the basic building block of the human nervous system. They are. . .