There are 382 hospitals in India equipped with telemedicine facilities. These serve a large number of remote health centers, where almost 1.5 lakh patients can avail the benefits. These facts. . .
December 7, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri He has impacted the lives of more than 25 million people; at least that many bought his bestselling book, A Brief History of. . .
December 5, 2011 School of Biotechnology The concept of globalization is often associated with economic advances brought about by the reduction of international trade barriers.. . .
December 3, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. Sandeep Sreedharan, postgraduate scholar at the Amrita School of Medicine recently received the IMA-KMJ Research Award from. . .
December 2, 2011 School of Engineering, Bengaluru Many of us use CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors) devices. We may not be aware, but these semiconductors. . .
November 27, 2011 School of Engineering, Bengaluru Can you teach a robot to do something simply by showing it how to? This may be. . .
B.Tech. students from the Amritapuri Campus proved their mettle once again, by winning US $2000 in the Mentor Graphics University Design Contest 2011. Vineeth Mohan, Paul Leons, Ajay Mohan and. . .
November 22, 2011 School of Engineering, Bengaluru When aluminum came to replace ferrous metals in engineering applications, it was hailed as a break-through. The new. . .
November 21, 2011 School of Engineering, Bengaluru We live in difficult times. Climate change is making its impact felt world-wide. Yet carbon dioxide emissions keep. . .
The computational neurosciences research group in Amrita continues its path-breaking work in modelling the human brain.Recently the group had the opportunity to present its work in Europe when Dr. Shyam. . .