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Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Management

Legal Pluralism in Natural Resource Management

March 30, 2012

It is said to be one of the most controversial mining projects in the world. Although India’s Supreme Court cleared Vedanta’s proposal for bauxite mining in Odisha in 2007, the. . .

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Indo-Italy Project

Indo-Italy Project

March 26, 2012

A joint project proposal for Exchange of Researchers within the frame of the Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Replubic of India and the Italian Republic for. . .

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Water Stress?

Water Stress?

March 22, 2012

It is expected that by 2025, two-thirds of the global population will be living in water-scarce or water-stressed conditions. It is also known that the majority of the world’s people. . .

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Learning About Computer Vision

Learning About Computer Vision

March 21, 2012

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Amrita’s Bengaluru campus organized a national-level seminar on Computer Vision for Robotics during February 24-25, 2012. The Department of Computer Science and. . .

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Research Internship Awards for Amrita Students

Research Internship Awards for Amrita Students

March 21, 2012

Final-year MSc (Chemistry) students of the Amritapuri Campus, Aparna G. Nair and Neethu Sebastian recently won the IIT-Bombay Research Internship Awards 2011-2012. The duo is currently in IIT Bombay conducting. . .

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Amrita Alumnus at Max-Planck Institute in Germany

March 20, 2012

The Max-Planck Institute in Germany is regarded as one of the world’s top research organizations. Over the years, luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg and Max-Planck have been associated. . .

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MoU for Automotive Technology Center

MoU for Automotive Technology Center

March 20, 2012

Coimbatore campus recently saw the unveiling of a new Amrita Automotive Technology Center (AATC) that will be led by Dr. Thirumalini, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. “The center will boost. . .

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Best Poster Award for Pathology Scholar

March 12, 2012

Dr. Dhanya P. G., first-year postgraduate scholar of the Department of Pathology at the Amrita School of Medicine recently won the best poster award at the 68th Kerala Chapter Meeting. . .

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Energy Derived from Biomass

March 10, 2012

“The future of energy in India lies in smart backward linkage to the sun. It is the only perennial source of energy, which is renewable in the truest sense,” stated. . .

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Solar Energy Discussions at Conference

Solar Energy Discussions at Conference

March 10, 2012

“The solar market grew globally by 30% CAGR during the previous decade,” stated Sri. K. Subramanya, CEO, Tata BP Solar. Sri. Subramanya was speaking at the International Conference on Renewable. . .

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