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Gearing Up For A Noble Mission

Gearing Up For A Noble Mission

November 1, 2012

The students, faculty and staff members of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are all set to begin this year’s historic clean-up of Sabarimala. During November 2-5, 2012, they will work together to. . .

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Inter-Campus Tournaments at Amrita

Inter-Campus Tournaments at Amrita

October 20, 2012

The months of August, September and October saw Amrita students from Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Kochi and Mysore campuses converge at the Coimbatore campus to participate in various inter-campus sports events. Beginning. . .

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Chancellor Amma’s 59th Birthday Celebrations

Chancellor Amma’s 59th Birthday Celebrations

September 27, 2012

The Amritapuri campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham came alive with myriads of lights and colors during Chancellor Amma’s fifty-ninth birthday as lakhs of people poured in from all parts of. . .

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9th Convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

9th Convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

September 16, 2012

“I, hereby, solemnly declare and promise that I will, in my thoughts, words and deeds, uphold the ideals of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and commit myself to serving my motherland India,. . .

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Introduction to Research Methodologies

Introduction to Research Methodologies

June 25, 2012

“Students from Western universities are opting for inter-disciplinary courses with a new fervor and travelling to India, the Far East and Africa, interacting with society, delivering solutions, offering discourse and. . .

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National Conference in Mysore

National Conference in Mysore

April 26, 2012

“Adulteration has become a major issue in developing countries. In addition, population explosion coupled with urbanisation and changing life styles is leading to many metabolic and degenerative disorders,” outlined Dr.. . .

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New MoU with UC Davis

March 19, 2012

Dr. Prasanth Mohapatra, Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Sciences at the University of California (UC) in Davis, was recently in Amrita as the co-chair of the International Conference on. . .

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Alumni Meet at Mysore Campus

Alumni Meet at Mysore Campus

January 28, 2012

Over 150 alumni from the Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore, came together at their old alma mater for the Second Annual Alumni Meet on January 21, 2012. Subramanya. . .

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IAM Classes for Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Students

IAM Classes for Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Students

January 9, 2012

All first-year students at all Amrita campuses receive training in the Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique (IAM) at the start of every academic year. A simple combination of traditional yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation exercises, IAM requires only about 20 minutes of daily practice.

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Annual Report of the School of Education

Annual Report of the School of Education

December 28, 2011

During the 7th Annual Day celebrations of the Amrita School of Education on December 10, 2011, Prof. Susheela Seshadri, Principal, presented the annual report for the School. Given below, are. . .

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