Encouraged by Chancellor Mata Amritanandamayi, a team of staff members from the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (Amrita WNA) were sent to the remote village of Dunda in Uttarakhand to help fix a water distribution problem. This village also faced severe scarcity of water during summer.
Forty-five M.Tech. students of Power & Energy, Control & Instrumentation, along with faculty members Dr. Ilango K. , Ms. Jayasree P. R. and Mr. Bharat K. R. from the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Amritapuri campus spent August 12th and 13th, 2016, as a part of co-curricular activity in Munnar and Idukki.
Dr. Nitin Vaidya, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA, visited the Coimbatore and Amritapuri campuses between January 11th–13th, 2016. During his visit to Amrita, Dr. Vaidya gave two talks, held interactive sessions with faculty members and students, discussed potential areas of collaborations, and visited several research labs.
First year Amrita School of Business students from the Amritapuri campus worked with 60 Japanese students on a sustainable community development project in the village of Perumbalam, Alappuzha district, Kerala from February 27th to March 3rd, 2016.
Prof. Prema Nedungadi of AmritaCREATE, was an invited speaker at the Vatican conference on “Children and Sustainable Development: Challenge for Education”, held November 13-15, 2015 at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. She presented Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Amrita RITE (Rural India Tablet enhanced Education) model that was inspired and guided by Chancellor Amma’s vision to provide both ‘education for making a living’ and ‘education for life’ skills.
For many villagers in India, collecting and carrying water is part of their daily routine. However, villagers often have to walk several kilometers to collect water necessary for themselves and their families, sometimes walking several times a day. Many villagers, especially women, collect and carry between 200 and 500 liters of water per day for their families and cattle.
Many villages in India do not have access to electricity. Villages that do receive power, do so intermittently and with frequent disruption, making the supply of electricity unreliable. Komalikudi, a tribal settlement in Kerala well-known for its abundant natural resources, is one such village.
The second year MSW students of the department of Social Work, Coimbatore campus along with Ryerson University students from Canada stayed at the tribal settlement of Komalikudi in Idukki District of Kerala from 6th to 13th August 2015 as part of the Live-in-LabsTM program.
The Amrita Sphuranam project of Amrita Centre for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA) has provided solar-powered electrification for the entire rural village of Valaramkunnu village near Modekkara in the Wayanad, and this model will soon be deployed in all the villages being transformed by Amrita SeRVe’s village rehabilitation project.