April 14, 2011 Health Sciences Campus, Kochi Whether it is engineering or medicine or arts and sciences or some other discipline of study that an. . .
April 7, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. Venkateshan M., postgraduate trainee in the Department of Radiology at the Amrita School of Medicine won the. . .
May 25, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi On April 4, Amrita doctors from the Departments of Pediatric Genetics and Pathology participated in an interactive audio. . .
April 4, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Can music make a difference in the learning abilities of students? Yes, it can! Music has positive. . .
May 21, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi With the aim to bring attention to autism, a developmental disorder that is usually diagnosed in the first. . .
March 30, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Of late, research papers published from the Amrita Department of Pediatric Genetics have received worldwide attention. The papers. . .
March 29, 2011 Amritapuri Campus “The thin layer of topsoil that covers much of the earth’s land surface and is typically measured in inches is. . .
April 5, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi The second continuing urological education, CUE 2011, was organized at Amrita’s Health Sciences campus during March 26 –. . .
March 21, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. Kumari Indira K. S., Professor and Head of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine was recently appointed as. . .
March 16, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Nine doctors at the Amrita School of Medicine recently completed a three-month course in Evidence-Based Medicine from Weill Cornell University, New York, one. . .