The Physician Assistant Week celebration was inaugurated at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) by Dr. Prem Nair, Medical Director on October 7, 2014.
A two-day national conference, the Amrita Pharmaceutical Conference (APC 2014) on the topic Infectious Diseases- A Medicinal Chemistry Perspective, was organized by the departments of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacology at the Amrita School of Pharmacy from August 29-30, 2014.
Dr. Shantikumar V. Nair, Dean of Research, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and Director of Amrita Center for Nanosciences, Kochi will be conferred with the prestigious Prof. C.N.R. Rao Bangalore India Nano Science Award for the year 2014.
The second International Fellowship on Health Technology Assessment in India’ was held at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi, from September 16–20, 2014.
The Paediatric Heart program at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) has received the first British Medical Journal (BMJ)-India 2014 Health Care Award under the Quality Improvement category. The award was conferred to Amrita Institute of. . .
A one-day Continuing Dental Education (CDE) program on Oral Medicine and Radiology was organized by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Amrita School of Dentistry on September 16, 2014. The program. . .
Dr. Manju V., Professor, of the Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology, Amrita School of Dentistry, delivered a keynote address at the International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (ISMR) Conference held at Xi’an, China on September 15, 2014.
The first Simultaneous Pancreas Kidney (SPK) transplantation in the state of Kerala was performed on a 35-year-old Civil Engineer at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi on August 17, 2014. This is the third such successful surgery in India.
The Executive Director of Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC), Mr. Uron N. Salum, visited the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi on September 04, 2014 to explore more. . .
The 11th convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was held on August 30, 2014 at the Headquarters at Coimbatore. 4833 graduating students from all five campuses of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, viz. Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Kochi and Mysore were conferred degrees.