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Amrita to Come Up with the First Center in Integrated Medicine and Research

Amrita to Come Up with the First Center in Integrated Medicine and Research

January 8, 2015

The first center for integrated study, research and patient care in Allopathy, Ayurveda and Yoga will come up in Kochi, Kerala under the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. The Amrita Institute of. . .

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AIMS Conducts CME Program on Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies

AIMS Conducts CME Program on Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies

December 19, 2014

The Department of Biochemistry at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences conducted a one-day Continuing Medical Education (CME) program on the topic Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies on December 19, 2014. 

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7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014 Best Poster Award Won by PhD Student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences

7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014 Best Poster Award Won by PhD Student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences

December 18, 2014

Ms. Smrithi Padmakumar, Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and PhD student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine (ACNS), won the Best Poster Award in the poster session, Walkway of Discovery,at the 7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014. The. . .

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7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014  Best Poster Award Won by PhD Student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences

7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014 Best Poster Award Won by PhD Student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences

December 18, 2014

Ms. Smrithi Padmakumar, Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and PhD student at Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine (ACNS), won the Best Poster Award in the poster session, Walkway of Discovery,at the 7th Bangalore INDIA NANO 2014. 

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National Pharmacy Week Observed at Amrita School of Pharmacy

National Pharmacy Week Observed at Amrita School of Pharmacy

December 16, 2014

National Pharmacy Week is being celebrated every year in the last week of November to create awareness among the general public about the role of pharmacist in public health. The Amrita School of Pharmacy actively observed the National Pharmacy Week during December 8–15, 2014 at the Health Sciences campus.

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AIMS Ties-up with The Heart Fund, Paris to Save Children with Heart Ailments

AIMS Ties-up with The Heart Fund, Paris to Save Children with Heart Ailments

December 16, 2014

The Paris-based international charity organization, The Heart Fund, has collaborated with Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi to provide free life-saving open-heart surgeries and endovascular treatments for the poor in India. So far, 20 children have benefited from this program.

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Best Scientific Awards for PG Residents of Amrita School of Dentistry at Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Conferences

Best Scientific Awards for PG Residents of Amrita School of Dentistry at Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Conferences

December 15, 2014

Drs. Devika R. Krishnan and Pallavi Chandran, Postgraduate Residents of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Amrita School of Dentistry bagged the Best Scientific Poster Awards at the 29th Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and the 22nd Indian Endodontic Society National Conference held at the BM Birla Science and Technology Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan during December 5-7, 2014.

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Dr. Shantikumar Nair, Dean of Research, Receives the Prof. CNR Rao Nanosciences Award 2014

Dr. Shantikumar Nair, Dean of Research, Receives the Prof. CNR Rao Nanosciences Award 2014

December 6, 2014

On December 6th, 2014 in a packed auditorium attended by all the leading lights in Nanotechnology in India, on the occasion of Bangalore India Nano 2014, Professor C N R. . .

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First Time in India, Amrita Hospital Performs Rare Treatment for Acute Blood Cancer

First Time in India, Amrita Hospital Performs Rare Treatment for Acute Blood Cancer

November 29, 2014

A nineteen-year-old female patient was suffering from acute blood cancer or acute myeloid leukaemia. Her disease slipped into a life-threatening stage even after two cycles of chemotherapy. She did not. . .

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AIMS Disaster Management Medical Team Reached Out to the Flood Affected Areas in Jammu & Kashmir

AIMS Disaster Management Medical Team Reached Out to the Flood Affected Areas in Jammu & Kashmir

November 22, 2014

Under the advocacy of Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), doctors, paramedical staff and the Amrita Mobile Telemedicine Unit (AMTU) departed to Jammu & Kashmir on September 30, 2014 to extend all necessary medical aid to the needy patients in the flood affected areas. 

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