Recently Dr. Hardik Vachhrajani embarked on a journey from Kollam, India to Bologna, Italy, traveling 7338.000 kilometers to explore a city rich in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial talent. Bologna is. . .
October 30, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. A. D. Dharmaratnam of the Amrita School of Medicine was recently honored with the title of Foundation. . .
October 30, 2010 School of Business, Coimbatore India has a long history of contribution to the field of mathematics. It is now generally accepted that. . .
October 28, 2010 Schools of Engineering, Coimbatore & Amritapuri Prof. Stefano Panzieri is the Director of the Automatic Laboratory of the Department of Information &. . .
November 11, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi Amrita’s Division of Respiratory Therapy in association with the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine observed the. . .
October 20, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore The India-Sweden Joint Working Group on Science and Technology promotes collaborative research. Now it will support a project. . .
October 20, 2010 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore A delegation from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham traveled to the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. The. . .
October 20, 2010 Centre for Nanosciences & Molecular Medicine Binulal Nelson Sathy, Ph.D. scholar at the Amrita Centre for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, attended the. . .
October 20, 2010 Centre for Nanosciences & Molecular Medicine Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, with support from the IUSSTF, recently started a joint initiative with Stanford University. . .
October 19, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore It is said that that which cannot be measured cannot be controlled and that which cannot be controlled. . .