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A Customer Innovation Ecosystem

August 3, 2011

        August 3, 2011 School of Business, Kochi   “Customer driven innovation is fundamental to productivity and success of a firm” stated Sandhya G., Amrita School of. . .

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Treating the Epidemic

Treating the Epidemic

August 1, 2011

        August 1, 2011 School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri   You could have this disease and not even know it. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Or you may. . .

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Research Papers by M.Tech. (WNA) Students

July 27, 2011

        July 27, 2011 AWNA, Amritapuri   The first batch of graduating M.Tech. students from the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications can look back, with. . .

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Amrita Graduates Head to Leeds University

July 26, 2011

        July 26, 2011 School of Arts & Sciences, Kochi   Even as the Amrita School of Business is aspiring to become one of the first B-Schools. . .

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Engineering Students Compete in Austria

Engineering Students Compete in Austria

July 25, 2011

 July 25, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   “Where commitment and team work blend, a pathway for a new generation to follow, is created.”   Expressing such lofty sentiments, the. . .

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Amrita’s Nano-Bio Research Presented in Singapore

July 21, 2011

        July 21, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi   Amrita was recently invited to present its work in nanotechnologies at the International Conference on Materials for Advanced. . .

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Amrita Scholars at International Workshops

Amrita Scholars at International Workshops

July 20, 2011

        July 20, 2011 School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri   Harilal Parasuraman and Krishna Chaitanya Medini obtained M.Sc. degrees in Bioinformatics from the Amrita School of Biotechnology.  . . .

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New Book on Cross-Cultural Management

New Book on Cross-Cultural Management

July 13, 2011

July 15, 2011 School of Business, Coimbatore   Globalization has united people from around the world.   Geographic barriers have dissolved making communication, transportation and trade possible between every nation. . .

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Sanskrit Immersion Retreat Inaugurated

Sanskrit Immersion Retreat Inaugurated

July 13, 2011

        July 19, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   “All ancient Sanskrit scriptures are meant for attaining moksha, liberation,” stated Br. Dr. Shankara Chaitanya, Medical Director, Amrita School of. . .

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Amrita Project Presented at Swedish Innovation Event

Amrita Project Presented at Swedish Innovation Event

July 12, 2011

        July 12, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   Last year, the President of India declared 2010-2020 as the Decade of Innovation. A National Innovation Council was. . .

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