The Amrita-Cognizant Innovation Lab was recently inaugurated at the Coimbatore campus by Prof. C. Parameswaran, Director, Corporate and Industry Relations, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and Mr. Vishnu Potty, Head, Cognizant Technologies. . .
Dr. Krishnakumar R., Assistant Professor in the Spine Division of the Department of Orthopaedics at the Amrita School of Medicine was recently awarded an International Spine Fellowship from the international. . .
The number of fossil-fuel-powered personal transport vehicles in India, including cars and two-wheelers, are increasing at an alarming rate, resulting not only in traffic problems in cities, but also worsening. . .
The Amrita Endocrinology, Diabetes and Diabetic Foot Conference (AEDFC) 2012 was organized at our Health Sciences campus in Kochi during September 14-16, 2012. The conference saw the participation of over. . .
A two-day hands-on training workshop on Embedded Software Development on Beagle Bone Platform was organized at the Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru during September 14-15, 2012. The workshop was organized. . .
An Amrita paper titled Corporate Governance in Public Sector Banks was accepted for presentation at the International Conference of Corporate Governance and Business in Boston, USA this past July. The. . .
Can vocational education reach out to people residing in the remote corners of the country? Now it can. With the inauguration of MoVE (Mobile Vocational Education), an initiative of Amrita. . .
Did you know that a flying aircraft undergoes a change in its total mass due to fuel consumption? As the airplane flies, its mass slowly reduces, making necessary attendant changes. . .
“One of our main computational labs is modeling the cerebellum and we have been successful in making realistic biophysical models of the cerebellar granular layers,” explained Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Assistant. . .
“The penetration of many dailies in the newspaper industry led to intense competition and a price war,” stated Ms. Sreedevi Purayannur, Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Communication. Ms. Sreedevi was. . .