An Amrita research paper titled Real-Time Monitoring and Detection of Heart Attack using Wireless Sensor Networks was awarded the best paper at SENSORCOMM 2010, the 4th International Conference on Sensor. . .
August 19, 2010 School of Engineering, Bengaluru The optical fiber revolutionized telecommunications, making possible many of the developments we take for granted today. Narinder Singh,. . .
August 12, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. V. N. Unni, Professor and Head of the Department of Nephrology was recently selected as Key Opinion. . .
August 5, 2010 School of Arts & Sciences, Amritapuri As part of the India 4 EU program Dr. Zeena S. Pillai, Chairperson, Department of Chemistry,. . .
August 4, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi When planning a research study, an important question often asked is, “What would be right sample size?” . . .
July 28, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore Seven faculty members from the Amrita Schools of Arts and Sciences, Biotechnology, Business and Engineering will be in. . .
July 28, 2010 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore This year again, Amrita students and faculty are heading to Europe. “We received over 250 applications from. . .
July 27, 2010 School of Dentistry, Kochi Dental fluorosis is a major public health problem in nearly twenty states in India. Now an epidemiological study. . .
July 9, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi Amrita’s Dr. Subramania Iyer was recently invited to several distinguished forums and conferences around the world to share. . .
The Center for Digital Health in Kochi crossed yet another significant milestone, when it successfully collaborated with the Indian Armed Forces to test its flagship telemedicine system at the high. . .