September 28, 2010 School of Medicine, Kochi Dr. R. V. Jayakumar, Clinical Professor in the Department of Endocrinology at the Amrita School of Medicine was. . .
September 19, 2010 School of Engineering, Coimbatore Electronics Letters is a bi-weekly international journal committed to the rapid dissemination of ground-breaking research in electronics and. . .
Dr. Sunil D. S., Chairperson of the Department of Social Work, was recently invited to participate in a state-level consultation meeting convened as part of GoK-UNDP’s Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). . .
September 11, 2010 School of Pharmacy, Kochi The excessive use of cough medicines is prevalent in India, but one should remember the fact that many. . .
September 9, 2010 School of Business, Coimbatore What happens when budding entrepreneurs meet real-life entrepreneurs? “They feel inspired,” answered MBA students taking the elective class,. . .
September 7, 2010 School of Business, Coimbatore Mälardalen University is one of Sweden’s major research universities. Of late, students from Malardalen have been taking classes. . .
September 7, 2010 Dept of Social Work, Coimbatore Did you know that nagas are believed to live in palaces in the underground city Bhogavati? . . .
September 3, 2010 Amrita School of Business, Amritapuri Dr. V. S. Somanath recently returned to Amrita after completing a two-year stint as faculty at the. . .
August 28, 2010 School of Pharmacy, Kochi Ms. Sabitha M., Vice Principal and Assistant Professor at the Amrita School of Pharmacy recently spent one month. . .
August 25, 2010 School of Engineering, Bengaluru R. Karthkeyan, Assistant Professor, ECE Department at Bengaluru, recently returned from the University of Turku in Finland after. . .