September 4, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi The evolving field of nanomedicine has boundless potential to transform healthcare and change lives. Nanomedicine is effectively. . .
September 5, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi Imagine you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer. A therapeutic course has been decided and soon you’ll begin treatment. You know the survival rates. . .
August 16, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Which specific testing method is used for the detection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus? “mecA gene detection. . .
August 12, 2011 School of Communication, Coimbatore In the modern world, getting the latest news is as simple as switching on the computer and typing. . .
August 12, 2011 School of Communication, Coimbatore She awakens suddenly, pulled from sleep by a nagging feeling reminding her that it’s been hours since she. . .
August 5, 2011 School of Business, Bengaluru Fast forward to 2020, India’s population is booming; global slumps haven’t dampened its growing economy, and consumerism is. . .
August 3, 2011 School of Business, Kochi “Customer driven innovation is fundamental to productivity and success of a firm” stated Sandhya G., Amrita School of. . .
August 1, 2011 School of Biotechnology, Amritapuri You could have this disease and not even know it. Sometimes there are no symptoms. Or you may. . .
July 21, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi Amrita was recently invited to present its work in nanotechnologies at the International Conference on Materials for Advanced. . .
July 15, 2011 School of Business, Coimbatore Globalization has united people from around the world. Geographic barriers have dissolved making communication, transportation and trade possible between every nation. . .