Dr. Anupama R., Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology at the Amrita School of Medicine won the best paper award at the recently-concluded annual conference of the Association. . .
By some estimates, Germany is one of the most active research partners for India in science and technology, second only to the US. In recent times, approximately 13% of all. . .
The World Health Organization recognizes the existence of some 20,000 medicinal plants on this planet today, all having a wide range of therapeutic properties. The isolation, characterization and standardization of. . .
P.Subramaniam, Assistant Professor at the Amrita School of Communication presented a paper titled The Usage of Visual Ethnography in Tribal Identity – A Case Study of Indigenous Tribes of Nilgiris,. . .
The Amrita Centre for Nano Sciences (ACNS) continues to make headlines. Its research efforts were recently applauded during the International Bangalore Nano Conference organized in December. A leading annual event,. . .
Dr. N. N. Prem, Assistant Professor at the Department of Geriatrics was awarded gold medal at the 11th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Geriatrics, GERICON 2013. The gold medal. . .
Mr. Shankar Kumaran of the Department of Cultural Education at Amrita’s Bengaluru Campus recently presented a paper titled Yoga Psychology at the Tenth World Conference on Vedic Studies at the. . .
An unknown number of terrorists opened fire and hurled grenades, when a group of 40 Marine commandos entered Hotel Taj Mahal, which was seized during the 2008 Mumbai attack. By. . .
A paper titled Managing Land and Water Under Changing Climatic Conditions in India: A Critical Perspective was recently published in Journal of Environmental Protection, an open-access journal published by Scientific. . .
India is the third largest producer of coconuts in the world. Coconuts play an important role in our national economy; not only are coconuts eaten, parts of the fruit and. . .