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Amrita School of Engineering Paper to Present in 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia

Amrita School of Engineering Paper to Present in 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia

May 31, 2014

A research paper titled SAR Image Processing using GPU has been selected for oral presentation at the 40th COSPAR (Committee on Space Research ) Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russian  Federation on August 2- 10, 2014. The. . .

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International Laurels for Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik, Head, Research and Projects, Coimbatore campus

International Laurels for Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik, Head, Research and Projects, Coimbatore campus

March 1, 2014

Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik received the prestigious Brain Pool Korea Research Award from Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Government of Korea in July 2013 for his exemplary work. The award is given to outstanding. . .

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Amrita School of Communication in International Journals

Amrita School of Communication in International Journals

February 6, 2014

Ms. Sudha Venkataswamy, Vice Chairperson and Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Communication at Coimbatore campus, book reviews gets reported in two international journals, viz., International Journal of Communication and Journal of Digital. . .

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Amrita Wins Third Prize at the IMTEX Forming 2014’s Exhibition of Academia Project

Amrita Wins Third Prize at the IMTEX Forming 2014’s Exhibition of Academia Project

February 1, 2014

Amrita won the Exhibition of Academia Project award at the IMTEX Forming 2014, 16th Indian Metal-cutting Machine Tool Exhibition, held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore. The exhibit showcased Amrita’s novel patented technology on the manufacturing of Anti-Bourdon. . .

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International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease

International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease

January 30, 2014

Dr.Aswathy S., Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, won an International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease (ASCEND) group for her editorial on. . .

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Best Research Paper at Award National Convention of Association of Pharmacy Professionals

Best Research Paper at Award National Convention of Association of Pharmacy Professionals

January 22, 2014

Dr. B. Ranganathan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Amrita School of Pharmacy, received the best research paper award at the recently concluded 3rd Annual National Convention of Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP).

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Amrita Faculty Receives Research Funding from Karnataka Govt.

Amrita Faculty Receives Research Funding from Karnataka Govt.

January 20, 2014

Dr. D. Praveen, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, has been honoured with a grant for his research initiative Studies on Cathode Materials for all Solid. . .

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Prestigious Outstanding Student Branch Award for Amrita

Prestigious Outstanding Student Branch Award for Amrita

January 14, 2014

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch (IEEE SB) at Amritapuri campus received the prestigious Outstanding Student Branch Award during the IEEE Kerala Section Annual General Meeting (AGM). . .

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International Journal of Advances in Computing Publishes Amrita Paper on Humanoid Robot

International Journal of Advances in Computing Publishes Amrita Paper on Humanoid Robot

December 21, 2013

International Journal of Advances in Computing publishes Amrita paper titled Design and Development of Mobile Operated Control System for Humanoid Robot. The paper, authored by Dr. Ganesh Udupa, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. . .

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Amrita School of Pharmacy Presents Internationally

Amrita School of Pharmacy Presents Internationally

November 19, 2013

Dr. Sabitha M., Principal, Amrita School of Pharmacy and Aneesh S. A., third-year student of Pharm D. (PB), participated in international conferences held at Japan and Singapore respectively. Dr. Sabitha. . .

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