Dr. Krishnakumar R., Consultant Spine Surgeon at the Department of Orthopaedics, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences has been awarded Scoliosis Research Society’s inaugural Robert B. Winter Global Outreach Award in Spine Surgery.
Continuing its winning streak, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham received award of INR Rs.15, 000 at the IMTEX 2015, for its outstanding research work. The institution was conferred the award at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) in Bangalore for its work titled Brain Controlled Interface for Robotic Applications.
The work entitled “Effect of Cristallinity of Nb2O5 Electron Blocking Layer in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells” won the best poster award in the Physical Sciences section, at the 102nd Indian Science Congress (ISC) 2015. The award carries prize money of Rs.5, 000/- besides a Certificate of Merit. The conference was held at the University of Mumbai from January 3-7, 2015.
Prof. Sunil Moothedath, Professor at the Amrita College of Nursing, Kochi won the Dr. MIMS Award 2014 for “Best Health Education Initiative through Media.”
Mr. Prashant R.Nair, Vice-Chairman, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore was awarded the Computer Society of India (CSI) Academic Excellence Award 2014 at the 49th annual convention of CSI at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad on 12th December, 2014.
On December 6th, 2014 in a packed auditorium attended by all the leading lights in Nanotechnology in India, on the occasion of Bangalore India Nano 2014, Professor C N R. . .
The Indian Academy of Neurosciences (IAN) came to existence in 1982 with the efforts of Late Prof. K.P. Bhargava, Prof. Mahdi Hasan, Prof. S.S. Parmar, Prof. B.N. Dhawan, Prof. P.K. Seth and. . .
Dr. J. Ravichandran, Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore has authored a new book titled, Probability & Random Processes for Engineers.
Dr. B. Umadethan, Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine at Amrita School of Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi has authored the first book of Forensic Medicine in Malayalam- “Kuttanweshanathile Vaidyasastram” (Medical Science in Crime Detection).
Dr. Gireesh Kumar K. P., Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine and Chief at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi has authored. . .