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Amrita Faculty Wins Certificate of Merit Award for Online Scientific Exhibit at  Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago

Amrita Faculty Wins Certificate of Merit Award for Online Scientific Exhibit at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago

December 19, 2015

Dr.Chinmay Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi has received the Certificate of Merit Award for the Online Scientific Exhibit titled “Tropical Pancreatitis- A Unique Clinic-radiological Entity” at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)’s 101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting held from November 29-December 4, 2015 in Chicago. 

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Amrita Faculty Wins Certificate of Merit Award for Online Scientific Exhibit at  Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago

Amrita Faculty Wins Certificate of Merit Award for Online Scientific Exhibit at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago

December 19, 2015

Dr.Chinmay Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi has received the Certificate of Merit Award for the Online Scientific Exhibit titled “Tropical Pancreatitis- A Unique Clinic-radiological Entity” at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)’s 101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting held from November 29-December 4, 2015 in Chicago. 

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High Impact Publication in PNAS (Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences) from Amrita Center for Nanosciences Faculty

High Impact Publication in PNAS (Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences) from Amrita Center for Nanosciences Faculty

December 8, 2015

Dr. Sahadev Shankarappa, Assistant Professor, Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, authored on a very prestigious high impact scientific journal of the National Academy of Sciences- Proceedings of the National. . .

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Develops Innovative Gesture based Wheelchair for Elderly

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Develops Innovative Gesture based Wheelchair for Elderly

November 13, 2015

Every time an elderly person struggled to move wheelchairs, 39-year-old PhD scholar Rajesh Kannan would feel a lump in his throat. Acting on that thought, he decided to build a. . .

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Amrita Faculty Members Receive IEEE Transactions on Education Best Paper Award

Amrita Faculty Members Receive IEEE Transactions on Education Best Paper Award

November 12, 2015

IEEE Education Society’s ‘2014 Best Transactions on Education Paper’ was awarded to ‘The VLAB OER Experience:Modeling Potential Adopter Student Experience’, published in IEEE Transactions on Education.

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Amrita Students Win Best Paper Award at ICETME 2015- Mechanical Engg. Conference

Amrita Students Win Best Paper Award at ICETME 2015- Mechanical Engg. Conference

November 9, 2015

An Amrita paper titled, “Design of Spider Mechanism for Extraterrestrial Rover”, won the best paper award at the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME – 2015) organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, Toc H Institute of Science and Technology (TIST), Ernakulam, Kerala from September 3-5, 2015.

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‘It is all About Expanding the Imagination of Students’ says Adinarayanan V., Faculty at Department of Cultural Education, Amrita

‘It is all About Expanding the Imagination of Students’ says Adinarayanan V., Faculty at Department of Cultural Education, Amrita

November 2, 2015

Adinarayanan V., Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Department of Cultural Education, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore has combained the ancient Indian system of yoga and stories from Mahabharatha and modern cognitive and behavioral sciences to successfully enhance the attitude of students towards learning.

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‘Star Pedodontist’ Award for Dr. Balagopal Varma  R., Principal, Amrita School of Dentistry

‘Star Pedodontist’ Award for Dr. Balagopal Varma R., Principal, Amrita School of Dentistry

October 19, 2015

Dr. Balagopal Varma R., Professor & Head, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Principal of Amrita School of Dentistry received the “Star Pedodontist” award at the 37th National Conference of Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held at Raipur from October 7-10, 2015.

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High Impact Publication from Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine

High Impact Publication from Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine

October 17, 2015

PhD student John Joseph, Dr. Shantikumar Nair and Dr. Deepthy Menon of Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine authored on a very prestigious high impact journal paper-Nanoletters (Impact Factor 13), the highest impact factor Journal in Nanotechnology after ‘Nature Nanotechnology’.

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ASB Coimbatore wins at the 6th Indian Management Conclave 2015

ASB Coimbatore wins at the 6th Indian Management Conclave 2015

August 7, 2015

Among the 40+ top business schools competing at the 6th Indian Management Conclave 2015 (IMC 2015), organized by in partnership with the Indian School of Business (ISB), Amrita School of Business (ASB) Coimbatore faculty members Dr. Rajiv Prasad and Prof. Udhayakumar C. S., both Associate Professors, have won as the finalist for the theme ‘Innovations in Teaching Methodology’.  

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