“I was trying to make a DSSC for the past six months by reading papers, but I couldn’t succeed. Today within four hours, I made a wonderful cell with output. . .
Imagine a future when all houses generate their own electricity through either solar or wind power. They harvest and store rain water and use it as their primary source of. . .
Engineering colleges in India organize tech fests. Business schools host management fests. With Amrita’s focus on multi-disciplinary education and research, it is but natural that B.Tech., M.Tech., B.Sc., M.Sc. and. . .
“Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, public and private organizations, communities and. . .
Over 150 alumni from the Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Mysore, came together at their old alma mater for the Second Annual Alumni Meet on January 21, 2012. Subramanya. . .
At Amrita, students are provided access to world-class resources and infrastructure. Amrita also actively supports efforts to bring these resources with easy reach of all students in India. It was. . .
A half-day Wiki Academy Workshop, with special relevance for journalists, was recently organized for Amrita MA (Communication) students, at the Coimbatore campus. Participants had the opportunity to become familiar with. . .
Why does one keep going back to check if a vacation photo one posted on Facebook garnered enough comments? “As individuals, we have created virtual avatars for ourselves,” stated Dr.. . .
The Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project – a collaborative venture of AIMS (Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) was launched on January. . .
The third annual Indian Global Psychiatric Initiative (IGPI 2012) was convened at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences during January 17 – 18. Organized jointly with two Psychiatry Associations, viz.. . .